You Don’t Need Anyone To Complete You: You Are A Complete Person

When looking for someone who complements us, rather than completes us, we ensure that, if the relationship ends, we will continue in one piece, with no shortages
You don't need anyone to complete you: you are a complete person

In this life, it is never easy to find someone who fits our values, who becomes a perfect companion throughout our life. Someone to learn from, someone to grow with. Today we will talk about how to be a complete person without needing others.

Now, if there is something that has always been inculcated in society, and this is even the most dangerous view of romantic love, it is that we need someone by our side to be well, including to be a complete person.

They “sell” us the image of a heart broken in half, where each one of us represents a part of it.

Of course, we admit that this is something romantic and exciting, but, in fact, we should never believe that we need someone by our side to be truly happy.

Today, in this space, we invite you to reflect on this.

I am a complete person who is not looking for a dependent relationship

“Without you I am nothing”, “I can only be happy by your side”, “If you leave me I will die”, “I don’t know what I would do in this life without you”…

These are phrases that everyone, in some way, has thought at some point, and even spoken aloud. In a way, it’s normal, because love and passion make us soar into the clouds and feel this affectivity so intense that we can even lose our own identity.

Well, even though it is normal, we cannot consider it adequate or healthy. All these ideas, sensations and phrases do not make us realize all these aspects:

  • If we do not see ourselves as a complete person, we will “end up” in an inadequate affective dependence with respect to another person.
  • We focus our reason for being and our own self-esteem on our partners.
  • This kind of attachment makes us very vulnerable to what someone else does, says, or decides to do. Any small disagreement can cause us great suffering.
  • By leaving our happiness “in the hands” of the other person, we somehow lose control of our own life.
  • This type of behavior makes us lose, day by day, our self-concept and our self-esteem.

Today, many people continue to emphasize this type of relationship. Especially younger people. It results in something very exciting to start a relationship where you have this union so intimate, so dependent, where the “all or nothing” characterizes every aspect.

I am a complete person, proud of myself and capable of giving happiness

orange-haired woman

We should all try to build a mature and conscious couple relationship. We must take into account that if we set the objective of “finding our half orange”, it means that we feel like half a person.

don’t be in a hurry let them find you

There is no rush to find love. First of all, we should focus on ourselves, on becoming that person who deserves to be found, someone mature and self-satisfied.

  • Don’t be afraid to be alone. Solitude unites our essence, our authentic identity.
  • Enjoy who you are, your social relationships, your family, your independence. Fulfill your personal dreams and aspirations.
  • Little by little, when you least expect it, you will come face to face with someone, and someone will come face to face with you. Don’t force the situation or go after someone who isn’t worth it or doesn’t have an interest in you.

Take care of your self-esteem at all times.

  • Allow the situation to arise naturally. Connect with someone who, like you, feels complete, mature and happy for who he is.

Find a complete person with your same values

Some are obsessed with finding someone who shares the same tastes and hobbies. Having the same “hobbies” is not a magic recipe for happiness.

A stable and happy relationship shares the same values ​​and respects their differences. In fact, what matters is enjoying sharing time together, making plans and learning from each other.

Find a whole person, complete, who has no voids, otherwise you will be forced to satisfy your anxieties, heal your wounds, make him a complete person while letting go of your identity, what you are.

Not worth it. Life is too short to go through it with suffering. Allow yourself to be happy each day of your life in the simplest way possible, feeling good about yourself and having someone by your side who knows what you deserve.

Someone with whom to make life an even more wonderful place.

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