What Is Morton’s Neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma can cause foot pain, burning, and tingling. Below, we explain what it consists of and how to treat it.
What is Morton's Neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is a pathology that affects the feet, usually just one of them. It occurs due to a change in a nerve in the foot, which causes pain in the affected region. This most commonly occurs between the third and fourth metatarsals.

While its name may be confusing, Morton’s neuroma is not a tumor. It is a very common disease, especially between 50 and 70 years of age. It affects eight times more women than men.

The causes of this injury are multiple. Interestingly, it seems to be related to wearing high-heeled shoes. Therefore, often the treatment can be simply to use another type of shoe, without the need for more aggressive techniques.

Morton’s neuroma can significantly affect the lives of those who suffer from it, preventing the affected person from walking or standing due to pain. Therefore, in this article we will explain everything you need to know about this pathology and how to treat it.

What is Morton’s Neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is an injury that occurs to one of the nerves in the foot. It arises because around this nerve (which is normally found between the third and fourth metatarsals), fibrous tissue grows and compresses it and prevents it from functioning normally.

This fibrous tissue grows due to continuous stress to this area or nerve irritation. When we run, for example, we put pressure on certain parts of our feet. When this pressure occurs repeatedly on the same region, it can damage it and lead to the appearance of a Morton’s neuroma.

The same happens with the use of high-heeled shoes. By keeping the feet continuously in this position, in which most of the pressure is supported by a part of the foot, it is normal for the nerve passing through this area to become irritated.

Foot pain at the end of the day

What are the symptoms?

The first symptom is an intense feeling of pain. It is very similar to the feeling of having a stone in your shoe when you walk. It is a mechanical pain, which increases when supporting this part of the body, such as when walking or standing.

In addition, it often causes a tingling sensation in the affected finger. It also causes burning in the sole of the foot and general stiffness. Symptoms worsen or improve depending on the stimulation suffered by the foot.

How is Morton’s neuroma diagnosed?

To diagnose Morton’s neuroma, it is essential to know very well the characteristics of the pain and the person who suffers it. A clinical examination may be sufficient to reach the diagnosis, as there are certain risk factors that are quite clear.

For example, this problem is much more common in women than in men. In addition, wearing high-heeled shoes, being a professional athlete or having a foot malformation increases the risk of suffering from this injury.

Despite this, doctors can also use certain additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. First, they usually take x-rays to rule out another injury causing the pain, such as a fracture. Ultrasounds are also used.

woman with foot pain

How can neuroma be treated?

Morton’s neuroma does not usually need specific treatment. Generally, just choose a suitable shoe. It should be well padded to allow the foot to be fully supported. For this reason, it is best to avoid high-heeled shoes.

If that’s not enough, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the pain. Corticosteroid injections into the area may also be recommended to decrease inflammation.

On the other hand, if the pain persists and disables the person, surgery may be necessary. The goal is to reduce pressure on the nerve by removing the tissues that compress it. In very severe cases, it may be necessary to extract the damaged nerve to avoid pain.


Morton’s neuroma is a lesion that usually affects the nerve between the third and fourth toes. It is often associated with wearing high-heeled shoes, sports that include running, and foot malformations. Usually, the treatment is based on choosing a more suitable shoe and taking care of the health of the feet.

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