What Are Hooks? 5 Remedies To Relieve Them

To alleviate the twinges, we can combine different techniques such as localized massages and baths with warm-up and stretching exercises that allow us to condition the muscles.
What are hooks?  5 remedies to relieve them

After an intense exercise routine or when we make some kind of repetitive effort, those uncomfortable pinches appear. These can be mild or even quite intense, to the point of preventing us from performing some of our daily activities.

Find out in this article which are the best home remedies to relieve your pain quickly and effectively. A natural solution can be found in rosemary vinegar, olive oil, essential oils or hydrotherapy.

What are hooks?

It is characterized by a loss of muscle strength, accompanied by tension, sensitivity and difficulty in movement. The cause could be the rupture of muscle fibers, which would cause inflammation, or even an accumulation of lactic acid between the muscle fibers.

It is important to note that any type of exercise or effort can cause pain in any part of the body. For example, in some muscles that we don’t use as much. However,  there is a greater chance of suffering from them when doing anaerobic exercises such  as sit-ups or lifting weights.

Prevent the stings

The best way to prevent stings is to follow these tips:

  • Always perform exercises in a constant and progressive way.
  • Start each session smoothly and gradually increase the intensity.
  • Always stretch each muscle before and after training.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day so that your muscle fibers are well hydrated. At least a liter and a half daily.
  • A balanced and complete diet is always essential, especially if we play sports.
Drinking lots of water helps to avoid getting pinched.

Home Remedies to Relieve Them

1. Baths at alternate temperatures

A natural, simple and very economical home remedy is bathing at alternating temperatures. In other words, combine cold water with hot water to activate circulation and promote recovery as soon as possible.

We can do them all over the body, or even locally on the most affected muscles. Do  10 seconds at each temperature and repeat 8 to 10 times.

In addition to relieving the twinges, we will also activate the metabolism, improve the skin’s appearance and notice a great feeling of lightness.

2. Dry brushing

Dry brushing is a very simple technique to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. It is also a beauty remedy to prevent and treat cellulite and stretch marks. Besides, you only need a brush.

We should brush the skin with a medium intensity and always in an upward direction. We can do this for 3 to 5 minutes several times a day until you notice improvement. We can also brush before exercising.

3. Smears with rosemary vinegar

Rosemary vinegar is a traditional remedy that allows us to activate circulation and soothe pain thanks to its two medicinal ingredients. We can buy it or even make them at home.

We just have to  let the fresh rosemary macerate in apple cider vinegar for at least 15 days. Thus, the liquid will be impregnated with the properties of this excellent medicinal plant.

rosemary vinegar to relieve twinges

4. Warm bath with magnesium salts

If we want a pleasurable remedy that, in addition to relieving the twinges, helps to relax after a good session of sports, the best option is a bath. The water should be warm, neither too cold nor too hot,  at a temperature similar to that of the body.

We can enhance the calming and analgesic effects of the bath if we add magnesium sulfate salts. This mineral is very suitable for balancing the nervous system and the muscular system.

5. Massage with olive oil and essential oils

Finally, we can nourish the skin and fight pain with an olive oil massage. This food is not only essential for a healthy diet, it is also very beneficial to be applied to the skin.

We can add some analgesic essential oil, such  as ginger, mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary or chamomile. In this way, it will be a very effective lotion and will leave a delicious aroma on the skin.

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