Wedding Decoration: 10 Tips

Although some general advices need to be adapted in the wedding decoration, what is certain is that the small details are the ones that will make the difference and will leave the couple’s personal mark.
Wedding Decoration: 10 Tips

One of the most talked about topics among guests is wedding decor. This turns out to be a reflection of the couple’s tastes  and the type of event they have decided to share with their loved ones. Furthermore, it should be noted that, within the preparations, everything has its own importance.

It’s good to spend enough time in your planning so that, in the end, the result will be satisfactory. On the other hand, it is convenient for both couples to express their ideas and actively participate in each of the planning stages.

Although there are people who don’t give much importance to decoration, it is important that the partner can express their opinion and collaborate with the other, to avoid that one person assumes all the responsibility.

10 tips for wedding decor that everyone should follow

Far beyond the floral ornaments, candles or other elements that are used for decorations, these tips will make a difference when decorating.

1. Don’t underestimate its importance

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Wedding decorations should not be left until the end. In fact,  all the details must be prepared in advance  to be able to test them. That way, if they don’t match as well as you imagined with the lights or the rest of the place, there’s time to change them.

2. For a good wedding decoration, it is important to choose the style

All wedding decorations  should be on the same level as the rest of the elements that make it up. Mainly, it must be pleasing to the couple, since they are the ones who should feel identified.

Colors, ornaments,  models and distribution are defined by the protagonists. The good thing is that many salons already have their own resources, so they can serve as a base. It is always good to clarify, from the beginning, what is sought and how they want it.

3. Less is more

Often, seeing so many beautiful things confuses and one makes the mistake of putting everything that is found. However, it is good to remember that the wedding decoration is an important detail, but it should not opaque the protagonists themselves.

Nor is it a matter of making the place a display of decorative elements. Much less that the amount of objects hinder the free movement of any guest. Sometimes, being surrounded by so many luxurious elements creates the fear of breaking something and spoiling the event.

4. Contextualize the wedding decor

Depending on the season in which the ceremony takes place, it is possible to create a special decoration. Incorporating some themed items is original and fun when the environment allows it.

Thus, some dare to use the different nuances of natural colors or to use outdoor spaces. It is important that  everything from the entrance to the interiors maintain balance.

5. In wedding decorations, lighting counts

wedding flower

Perhaps, you’ve seen it in magazines or an acquaintance has advised you about a detail that you saw on some occasion and liked it. In any case, you  always have to test the lights in the place. It’s not good to ignore that the visual effects of objects change with reflected light.

Playing with various elements such as pendant lamps, chandeliers or candles is always in good taste. Furthermore, on the market we find very original luminous creations  to adapt to all styles.

6. Allocate a budget

It is important to determine the budget that will be allocated to the decoration in order to negotiate with suppliers. Furthermore, there are many cost-effective ideas that can be realized manually by recycling objects.

Furthermore,  agreeing early on how much and what to spend allows for better organization. Still, the ideal is to make a document with notes of what they want and the costs.

7. Don’t lose your cool

Marriage is one of the best times in people’s lives and  preparations need not be a stressful one. Enjoying the organization of each factor in the wedding is paramount, so it’s good to stay calm.

  • If something becomes complicated or causes discomfort, it is recommended to leave it aside and look for another alternative. 


The wedding decoration is the  first image that the party guests have,  but that’s not all. Every detail is relevant and impacting, but the main thing is the couple and their love.

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