Ways To Sanitize The Room Naturally

If you experience a sore throat or eye irritation at night, or if you simply cannot sleep well, you may need to disinfect your room. We present some natural alternatives for doing this.
Ways to naturally disinfect the room

Naturally disinfecting the room is essential for a healthy environment and more pleasant nights sleep. We often think that a good cleaning is enough, but that is not usually the case.

We spend several hours in our rooms at night, so this is the ideal way of proliferation for certain microorganisms that can cause problems for our health. Some bacteria, fungi and mites are resistant and continue to live and develop even if we clean the environment every day.

For this reason, we must disinfect the room to be able to eliminate them, as they are responsible for allergies in more than 10% of the population, according to a study published in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology . Also, asthmatic people are very sensitive to them.

Disinfection with natural products may be recommended especially if there are small children or pets in the home, as they are susceptible to certain agents in cleaning products.

5 steps to naturally disinfect the room

In order to be able to properly disinfect the environment, we must take into account all the elements that are in the room. That is, we can’t just clean our bed, we also have to pay attention to every corner of the room.

How to keep the room clean and tidy

At first glance you might not notice it, but every day the bedroom accumulates dust, mites and other allergenic molecules that can cause discomfort in the body or affect our rest hours. That’s why it  ‘s important to take the time to clean and disinfect the room.

1. Bed linen

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should make your bed every day and wash your sheets at least once a week, as recommended by the experts at Milton Hershey Medical Center.

We should also wash, although less frequently, blankets, quilts, comforters and mattress covers, as they also accumulate particles, dirt and mites that can harm our health.

Some tips to start disinfecting:

  • Wash bed linen with neutral products.
  • Shake the sheets and comforters well.
  • Ventilate the room for at least 5 minutes.
  • Make the bed once every day, finishing with the previous stitch.
  • Vacuum regularly to remove dust particles and dirt.

2. Naturally disinfect the mattress

The mattress absorbs a good amount of sweat that the body can release during the night, in addition to accumulating dust. To disinfect it well, you can apply a simple product that you can make at home.

The properties of the ingredients in this preparation are what makes it possibly effective in treating this problem. Firstly, baking soda has properties to clean surfaces and eliminate, for example, mold. This effect is proven by research published in Mycopathologia .

In turn, eucalyptus essential oil, the real ‘star’ of this natural solution, is a prominent acaricide among oils of this type. This is detailed in a study published by the Journal of Zhejiang University Science in 2006.


  • 1/2 cup baking soda (125 grams).
  • Eucalyptus essential oil (10 drops).
How to clean the mattress

How to make

  • In a bowl, place the baking soda (125 grams).
  • Add the 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Mix well and let it sit for 5 minutes.

How to apply

  • First, with a srpay, sprinkle the mixture you prepared on the mattress.
  • Let stand for an hour.
  • Aspirate.
  • Finally, cover it again with the sheet or cape.

3. Curtains and windows

The curtains are very showy, decorate the room and also help to cover the sunlight that passes through the windows. Furthermore, precisely because they are so close to the windows, they are responsible for accumulating the dust and absorbing it.

There are accumulated large amounts of dirt and mites that must be eliminated. Therefore, the curtains must be washed once a month. Also, before putting them back on, we should clean the windows.

4. Naturally disinfect the floor

In addition to germs and bacteria, all the dirt inevitably ends up on the floor. Therefore, it is essential to disinfect it in order to have a clean and healthy environment.

To do this, follow this combination made with two elements that you are sure to find at home. We’re going to use vinegar, which helps eliminate fungus and bacteria naturally, according to a study published in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology , and lemon juice, which provides a pleasant aroma.


  • Bucket of warm water (3 liters).
  • Apple vinegar (10 milliliters).
  • Lemon juice (5 milliliters).


  • Scouring pad.
  • Vacuum cleaner or broom.
Lemon juice

How to make

  • Pour the warm water and apple cider vinegar into the bucket.
  • Add lemon juice and stir well.
  • Place the mop inside the bucket so that it is very wet.

How to apply

  • First, you must vacuum or sweep the floor thoroughly.
  • Then scrub the entire floor.
  • Finally, let it dry.

5. Purify the air with plants

Plants within an environment generate a feeling of harmony, peace and well-being. Furthermore, they act as air fresheners. You can place a small plant inside your room. The most advisable species to purify the air and thus sleep better are:

  • Jasmine.
  • Lavender.
  • Gardenia .
  • Cactus.
  • Valerian.

Disinfecting naturally helps to live better

If we regularly disinfect our room, we will not only maintain an aesthetically pleasing environment, but we will also be taking care of our health.

In short, a clean, tidy and well-ventilated room on a daily basis can prevent some common health problems and help us be more protected, even while we sleep.

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