Ways To Hide Imperfections In Your Home

How can it be done so that the defects in our home are not noticed? There are many simple tricks to get them to go unnoticed; We present six of them that will save you in various situations.
Ways to hide imperfections in your home

Nobody knows our house better than we do. Therefore, there will be no other person better suited to decide what to show in front of visitors and which places are better to hide a little. Are you aware of how to hide your home’s imperfections?

We’re not just talking about permanent problems like blemishes or scratches on the wall, but also more temporary situations like a cluttered room or objects your pet leaves nearby.

So, we offer you a list of recommendations to hide your home’s imperfections. Don’t hesitate to apply them: they will cost very little effort; most of them, moreover, do not require large expenditures of money.

6 ways to hide imperfections in your home

1. Wall failure

Given the size of the problem, the logical and most effective solution is to use finishing putty to fix it. However, you can also use other ideas that are more creative but equally valuable.

The best one is to paint the walls with an effect that hides imperfections. For example, the coated or sandy effect can fulfill this function in a great way.

Finally, you also have the option of using wallpaper for the entire area. Although it can be a little expensive, it is a very practical alternative as it is extremely easy to clean.

Ways to hide imperfections in your home: paint the walls well

2. Stuff scattered everywhere

Who has never received a surprise visit and rushed to hide the disorder in a place where you couldn’t see it? To deal with this traumatic moment, it is essential to have enough storage spaces.

To do this, it is good to think about having a closet the more when you plan your home. If this is not a possibility, try to leave the drawers available or at least a space in the room where you can “temporarily” deposit objects.

3. Stains or scratches on the walls

It’s a case very similar to the first point. In fact, we might as well apply practically the same solutions.

However, in this item we want to add a decorative element that saved so many walls from history: the frame. A family photo, a diploma, a work of art or even any landscape can be your best ally to get out of this situation.

4. Your pet’s objects

Having a pet is a source of incalculable love and companionship, the truth is that your objects are not always synonymous with cleanliness. We can even get people who feel very comfortable when they come across the pet stuff strewn all over the place.

In addition to the considerations you can make about the right thing or not of your attitude, we can save you all sorts of trouble with a few simple modifications. One is, for example, storing your toys and blankets in a box in some room. Don’t worry: your pet will know how to find you.

On the other hand, if you have a cat, it is logical that you have a litter box at home. If this is the case, it is always preferable to leave it in a place out of sight of the rest of the inhabitants and visitors.

Ways to hide imperfections in your home: using objects suitable for animals

5. What to do with this column?

It usually happens that inside the house, gardens and terraces we  find a column that bothers much more than it helps. For logical reasons, we cannot remove it. How do we take advantage of it?

The best thing in these cases is to do exactly the opposite: make it stand out. So, you can resort to wallpaper, paintings that match the colors of other walls or even stickers that give that special touch that they so much need.

6. Hide the router

You’ve already noticed that the router is an indispensable element in every home, but its decorative benefits aren’t exactly the best. We have the perfect solution: hide it with a book.

If you have an old book, you can tear off the sheets and insert the device into it. Thus, you will be able to nullify your bad visual effect; In addition, it will get rid of all the cables, which contribute very little to the beauty of your living room or bedroom.

In conclusion, as you’ve seen, hiding your home’s imperfections is possible. You should only implement these tips to get rid of the flaws you’ve always wanted to hide.

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