Value Those Who Give You Time

We should appreciate when others dedicate their time to us, as it is something that cannot be bought with money. Therefore, it is the best gift we can give and receive.

When people we appreciate and who appreciate us give us their time, we get the most wonderful and fascinating gift there is.

If we stop to think,  the time they invest in us is something they will never recover. This, in turn, constitutes a unique and special fact through which they tell us that they love us, that they value us and that they enjoy our company.

We tend to forget to value the importance of this gesture with astonishing ease. This often promotes the creation of conflict and loss of closeness and intimacy between two people.

Thus, it is not simple to arrive at a correct balance of forces in a world where speed is valued. The fact that highlights this point is that stress accompanies us even when it’s time to hang out with friends and “enjoy”.

That’s why it’s good to stop to think and appreciate it. If someone dedicates their free time to us and, in addition, “creates” time to see us, we can be sure that they are giving us the best possible gift.

These are moments that are worth keeping in the form of memories, as the fact that they toast us with affection makes us possessors of the best paints that color our lives.

woman enjoying her time in the bathtub.

How much is an hour of your time worth?

Night had fallen, however, the little boy was making great efforts to stay awake. The reason was well worth it: he was waiting for his daddy. His mischievous eyes were drooping heavily as the door opened.

-Daddy, can I ask a question?

-Yes of course. Which is?

Dad, how much money do you make in an hour?  – he said with eyes wide open.

Then the father, between annoyed and tired, was very sharp in his response.

– This is none of your business, why are you asking me this?

– I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make for an hour?

– 100 reais an hour – he replied, annoyed.

– Oh – The boy sadly lowered his head  Dad, can I borrow 50 reais?

blood moon tree

The father was furious!

– If the only reason you want to know what I earn is to borrow money to buy some silly toy, then stay in your room, do not go out and think about why you are being so selfish. I work so hard every day to deal with such childish behavior.

The boy, in silence, closed the door of his room. The man sat up and started to get more upset by the little one’s question. How dare you ask such questions just to ask for money?

After an hour, the man calmed down and began to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with these 50 reais. Despite everything, the boy didn’t ask for money very often.

Then he approached the door of his son’s room and opened it.

-Are you sleeping son?

-No daddy, I’m awake.

-I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you. Today was a long day and I took my frustration out on you. Here are the 50 reais you asked for…

The boy rose, smiling.

-Thanks dad! the boy whispered as he reached under his pillow and pulled out several coins and some wrinkled bills.


The man saw that the boy already had money and began to get upset again. The boy slowly counted his money and then looked at his father.

-Why did you want more money if you already had enough?

-Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do. – he replied excitedly.

– Dad, now I have 100 reais. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow, I would like to have dinner with you.

The father felt agonized. He embraced the little one and begged for his forgiveness.

Sharing time is giving life

As we can deduce from the previous story, sharing moments means giving life. If we think about the amount of changes that are produced over time, we will probably be embarrassed.

What’s more, if we delve into this thought, we will realize that time and change can be considered synonymous. It is the essence of life, our growth and our relationships.

So, the best way to respond to these “I love you” that we receive from others when we share moments is to offer time.

Let’s not forget that  our best investment will always be the time we spend with our family  and friends.

In short, don’t leave it for later to speak the language of feelings through the hands of the clock.

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