Uses Of White Vinegar In Laundry Cleaning

White vinegar helps us to intensify the colors of clothes and maintain a flawless white. Besides, we won’t have to worry about bad odors.
Uses of white vinegar in laundry cleaning

We are sure you have white vinegar at home. If so, know that you have a wonderful ally for cleaning clothes. Also, it will provide great savings on your shopping list.

Not only will we spend less on fabric softeners or detergents, but we will also contribute to maintaining a greener home, respecting our planet.

White vinegar is basically vinegar distilled from the fermentation of pure alcohol from sugar cane, corn or malt. But you’ll be pleased to know that it has many more uses than seasoning our salads.

Its composition makes it very useful both for cleaning the home and for making facial creams. It is a powerful cleaning agent that, in turn, respects the dermis and eliminates any bacteria or toxic elements.

Nature sometimes  makes fabulous remedies for the most common problems within our reach. Below, we want to give you some good examples.

See how white vinegar can help you in your day-to-day cleaning of your clothes.

White vinegar helps restore the color of your clothes

white towels

It looks amazing, but white vinegar not only respects the color of the garment, it also helps to intensify its soapy tone.

To achieve this, just fill the washing machine’s fabric softener compartment with a little white vinegar.

Don’t be afraid that your clothes will smell like vinegar. Usually the washing cycle and the soap itself will not leave any trace of its characteristic “fragrance”.

White vinegar can replace your fabric softener

The use of commercial fabric softener leaves small sequelae on our clothes, and also on the washing machine. If you pay attention, you will notice that the fabric softener tends to damage elastic clothes or those regions that have some kind of plastic element.

Furthermore, it is still another contaminant that causes a serious environmental impact. What if we make a change? What if from now on we use white vinegar instead of fabric softener?

To do this, just follow the same procedure as in the previous proposal: add white vinegar in the compartment where you would normally put the fabric softener. 

The amount will depend on the pounds of laundry you put in the washing machine.

Prevents your clothes from having polka dots

Certainly this has happened to you at some point. You just bought a sweater or pajamas and, after a few washes, the garment starts to show those classic polka dots.

To prevent this from happening, do not hesitate to apply a little white vinegar on the fabric, and your clothes will last much longer and in better condition.

The way to achieve this is equally easy: when the machine is in the last rinse cycle, add half a glass of white vinegar (100 ml).

Clothes with a musty smell or with a “closet smell”


The clothes we take off from the previous season always have the classic musty or stored-up smell that is so hard to get rid of.

Also, something that happens very often is that we leave our laundry in the machine overnight. The next day, the odor is unbearable.

To get rid of those annoying “fragrances” and make sure the fabric of the clothes has a clean, fresh smell, you already know: the answer is white vinegar.

Again, just place it in the fabric softener compartment during your washes. The solution, as you see, is quite simple.

Eliminates sweat stains

Sometimes, and especially in the case of white and more delicate clothes, sweat marks can be uncomfortable on the garments. To eliminate them, we can resort to aggressive products that, over time, damage the fabric.

We can avoid this very common problem very simply:

  • Apply a scoop of white vinegar (10 ml) diluted in a glass of warm water (200 ml) around the armpit of this garment.
  • Rub in for a few seconds, then let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  • Then wash the laundry normally in the machine.

White vinegar to extend the life of your machine


This advice is well known to everyone. One way to extend the life of the washing machine is to wash it with just water and white vinegar once or twice a month.

In turn, to maintain the quality of the machine’s rubber parts and eliminate soap or mold that has adhered to it, there’s nothing better than a piece of cloth dampened with white vinegar to make it look as good as new.

Regular use of this product will help us to avoid bad odors and, above all, to extend the life of these appliances.

Do not hesitate to clean your clothes in a much more ecological way thanks to white vinegar!

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