Uric Acid: Fight It Using Lemon Remedies

An improvement in our quality of life will always translate into a reduction in the level of uric acid in our body, something vital that can prevent, for example, the further development of gout.

If you suffer from excess uric acid or have a family member with this condition, you already know how complicated it is to treat it and the side effects that some medications often cause.

It is important to complement medications with a change in habits, better nutrition, a healthier life and simple home remedies.

But what are these simple home remedies based on? In consuming natural juices prepared with lemon and other fruits that are beneficial to our health. Be sure to check it out!

Lemon to neutralize uric acid

Sign of uric acid in bones

Doctors like Ronald Hoffman, an expert in the field of complementary medicine, explain to us that lemons are a medicinal fruit that we should never overlook. It is especially suitable when our tests indicate that we have a high uric acid index. Want to know why this fruit is so beneficial? Let’s see:

  • As many already know, uric acid causes an excess of purine to occur in the body. Purine is a harmful element that, if not eliminated properly, ends up giving rise to small crystals that adhere to our joints and inflame them.
  • The formation of these crystals occurs mainly due to an acidic environment. One way to prevent this from happening is to favor alkalinization, and for this the lemon is a wonderful ally.
  • What lemon does is to promote the formation of calcium carbonate in the body, which allows the neutralization of acids such as uric acid.
  • Lemon is, moreover, a depurative and disinfectant fruit, which will allow us to eliminate all the harmful elements that the body does not need. It is a great antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant.

Now, we’ll explain how you can benefit every day from this fruit to fight uric acid.

1. Lemon infusion with honey

Honey and lemon to fight uric acid

How can honeyed lemon infusion help me?

This data surprises many. When thinking about lemon, we soon consider it to be a very acidic fruit. Honey, despite having an acidic pH, is very beneficial. Like? When these ingredients are assimilated by our body they generate a perfect alkaline environment to eliminate the acids that the cells excrete as waste (purines).

To benefit from the combination of honey and lemon, we will prepare a simple infusion that we will drink throughout the day.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (60 g)


  • Bring a liter of water to a boil. When hot, add the juice of a lemon and its rind.
  • Allow it to come to the boil several times and cook for at least 20 minutes.
  • After that time, strain the contents and add 3 tablespoons of honey.

Drink a warm first cup on an empty stomach, the second 15 minutes after lunch, the third in mid-afternoon (at room temperature) and the last half an hour after dinner. In this way you will be fighting the uric acid level in your body.

2. Apple and lemon tea

How can lemon and apple tea help me?

It’s delicious! It is interesting to know that apples are another ideal fruit for fighting uric acid. Much of this harmful compound is originated in our body during digestion, precisely when the purines originated from consuming meat or fish must be metabolized.

Do you have any idea how apples and lemons can help us during digestion? By stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid (HCl), perfect for creating an alkaline context where you can neutralize the body’s uric acid.

To benefit from this, it would be ideal to have a green apple for breakfast. After lunch you can prepare a delicious apple, cinnamon and lemon tea.


  • 1 apple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • The 1/2 lemon peel
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • Just cut an apple into four pieces (with the skin) and cook it with a glass of water and the skin of half a lemon.
  • Then add a cinnamon stick and allow everything to cook for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and drink it little by little, stimulating salivation, which helps to facilitate digestion smoothly.
  • Do not add any sweeteners!

3. Strawberry and lemon drink

Strawberry and lemon drink to fight uric acid

How can a strawberry and lemon drink help me fight uric acid?

This drink is highly recommended if, in addition to uric acid, you also suffer from gout and even arthritis.

Strawberry is an ideal anti-inflammatory remedy to fight multiple diseases. It is considered a perfect natural aspirin to relieve joint pain, de-inflame processes associated with gout, and cleanse our body.

In addition, it is a great diuretic, perfect to promote the elimination of uric acid and its salts.

Want to know how to prepare a tasty drink with strawberry and lemon? Too easy! Check out:


  • 10 strawberries
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • The juice of 1/2 lemon


  • Boil the 10 clean strawberries in a glass of water.
  • When they are very soft, turn off the heat and add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Afterwards, put the mixture in a blender and obtain a very homogeneous juice.
  • If you add an ice cube, you will have a wonderful after-lunch drink.

Are you excited to try these delicious and healthy recipes?

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