Toe Injuries And Diseases: Know How To Treat Them!

It is very important to choose the shoes well so that they do not tighten your toes too much. Also, as soon as we get home, we should remove our shoes so our feet don’t suffer.
Toe Injuries and Diseases: Know How to Treat Them!

Toes are often forgotten by most people. We only remember them when some problem arises that causes us pain or discomfort, and then we decide to go after doctors and treatments that can help us to cure them.

However, many of these common toe problems could be prevented through some easy-to-maintain care and behaviors that can be part of our daily lives.

Although most conditions that occur on the feet and toes are not serious, they can certainly be very uncomfortable and reduce our quality of life.

For this reason, today we will talk about the main injuries and illnesses that can occur in the toes, as well as share some useful and effective ways for us to treat them.

Toes and their most common problems


It is a relatively common condition that many people suffer from. It is often said that bunions occur due to the inappropriate and frequent use of a certain type of shoe, but it is not known if this is really the only reason.

A bunion is a bony deformity that occurs at the base of the big toe, causing the joint to widen and protrude outward. The skin over the bunion can be tender and reddened, in addition to causing pain.

To prevent or treat this condition, it is important to avoid wearing closed shoes and high heels. In addition, home remedies or treatments based on herbs and natural ingredients can also be used.

If the situation is very severe, surgical intervention may be necessary, so it is important to consult your doctor for a more specific diagnosis.

ingrown nails

ingrown nails

The ingrown nail is nothing more than a nail that has grown into the flesh, which can cause significant discomfort and pain, depending on each case. In addition to pain, swelling, redness and even infection can occur if the nail is not treated.

It can occur when we cut our nails too short, when we wear shoes that are too tight, or when we hurt the nail in some way. The big toe is usually the most affected by ingrown nails, and some people have nails that are more likely to suffer from this problem.

To treat it, it is recommended to submerge the feet and nail in hot water, keep it very clean and place a small piece of cotton under the nail to help lift it off the skin.

Also, as a prevention, avoid wearing shoes that snug your big toe and be careful when cutting your nails : don’t leave sharp corners that can get into the skin and don’t cut them too short.


Gout is a type of arthritis that can cause a lot of pain, redness, swelling and stiffness in the feet and fingers. It usually affects the big toe joint, but it can extend over the entire foot and down to the ankle.

It usually arises due to excess uric acid in the body, which ends up accumulating mainly in the feet, forming crystals in the joints.

Treatment consists of using some medications to relieve symptoms, but dietary changes to reduce uric acid can also be very helpful in preventing this condition.

Calluses and foot pain

relax your feet

Our feet carry us every day, supporting all our weight in different situations, rain or shine. All this constant effort can cause calluses and pain, both in the feet and fingers.

Corns and pain are often caused by wearing inappropriate shoes, poor foot hydration and lack of exfoliation, and the best advice for treating them is to simply relax and take care of your feet.

Exfoliate and moisturize your feet using natural products. Pumice can also be very useful for reducing corns, as can foot massages with essential oils and a footbath with hot water and your favorite herbs.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that can cause redness, itching, burning, scaling, and even blisters and sores, depending on the severity of the case.

It is relatively contagious, and can be caught by walking barefoot in places such as locker rooms and public swimming pools. After coming into contact with the skin, the fungi grow, especially in the favorable environment of closed shoes and without much ventilation.

To treat athlete’s foot, you can bet on medications that treat fungal infections, or on natural ingredients with antifungal properties. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to consult a doctor for more specific treatment.

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