Tips For Giving A Feminine Touch To The Bathroom

Adding a feminine touch to the bathroom beautifies the space and expands the perception of delicacy and refinement in the environment.
Tips for giving a feminine touch to the bathroom

The bathroom decor provides the necessary licenses to materialize much of our personality. In the case of women, decorating a bathroom and making it pleasant and according to their preferences makes it easier to take care of their personal appearance. Like? Very easy: the feeling of liking the environment allows you to be in a better mood when it comes to getting ready and getting a satisfactory result. Therefore, it is worth learning to give a feminine touch to the bathroom.

The bathroom is one of the places a person spends most of their time in their lifetime. According to a statistical study carried out in the United Kingdom, basic activities such as bathing, brushing teeth, using the toilet and combing your hair can add up to approximately 20 hours a week (regardless of gender). Other activities, such as putting on makeup, waxing and even cleaning the bathroom, add even more time to this room.

Is it necessary to use pink to give a feminine touch to the bathroom?

Contrary to what you might think at first,  to give a feminine touch you don’t necessarily have to resort to pink. Although it is a very attractive, delicate and beautiful color, there are other options. This doesn’t mean that you should completely exclude pink, but you can avoid using it solely for convenience by thinking of “feminine”.

A woman’s bathroom doesn’t need a specific color to demonstrate her gender. In fact, it can have a completely neutral color gamut and still look very feminine.

Is it necessary to use pink to give a feminine touch to the bathroom?

  • Towel organizer.
  • Hanger for the robe.
  • Plants and flowers (natural or artificial).
  • Accessories (photos, figures, stickers, plates, among others).
  • Organizer for toiletries, beauty and hygiene.

Decor with sparkles for the bathroom


Tips for giving a feminine touch to the bathroom

  • Keep clean and tidy  (this includes leaving towels and even your toothbrush well organized).
  • Keep the color palette selected; that is, avoid randomly incorporating objects of different colors, as this does not provide cohesion or harmony to that space.
  • The towel set should preferably be one color and a spongy textured fabric. Even if you don’t believe it, this immediately creates a feeling of “softness” in the environment, which translates to delicacy and therefore femininity (along with the other elements).
  • Place objects comfortably, but also with a certain aesthetic strategy. For example, a vase in a corner eliminates emptiness and decorates perfectly. Also allow for some places without accessories. Not everything needs to be functional.
  • Include a theme that reflects your personality: the sea, flowers, stars, a geometric figure, a fruit, and so on.

Some fabulous combinations

  • pink + white
  • White + gold.
  • White + neutral.
  • Beige + vanilla
  • Violet + beige.
  • Pastel green + lilac
  • White + turquoise blue.
  • White + salmon + copper.
  • Light yellow + salmon.
Some fabulous combinations

Although the final result depends on your preferences, it never hurts to review the current trends in terms of decoration. There are always surprising combinations that we can incorporate into our style. On the other hand,  there is no need to be afraid to enjoy everything that forms the basis of the bathroom; be it for the tiles, the furniture or even the color of the metallic parts of the accessories.

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