Tips For Clearing Your Lungs

Exercises like yoga, meditation and tai chi teach us to breathe with different parts of our body, such as the belly, diaphragm or chest.
Tips for clearing your lungs

We are used to finding diets and plans with different habits to detoxify the intestines or the liver, but what about the lungs? This pair of organs is fundamental for the organism, as we can live weeks without food, days without water, but very little time without air. Check out some tips for clearing your lungs.

For those who smoke, the damage to the lungs is unquestionable, in addition, there is also damage even for those who have never smoked a cigarette because they are exposed to the habit of others and for those in contact with industrial pollution, chemical particles, vehicle gases, etc.

In this way, everyone can benefit from simple habits that help us keep our lungs clean and full of health. Check out!

Do not smoke

Tips for clearing your lungs

This is certainly the most obvious tip, but even though several studies have shown the terrible effects that smoking can have on our health, many people are unable to kick the habit. If this is the case for you, it’s worth making the effort and dedicating yourself to becoming healthier.

We can’t forget passive smokers either. Smokers are not only harming themselves, but also the health of everyone around them. Whenever possible, try to stay away from people who are smoking. Your lungs will thank you.

Reduce exposure to pollution

When possible, also avoid contact with air pollution, and remember that when we talk about pollution, we are not just referring to the external environment; you must also avoid pollution in your own home.

Unfortunately, our homes are not free of dust mites, mold and mildew that can cause allergies and even respiratory illness. Therefore, keeping environments clean and disinfected is essential to combat these threats, and make your home a healthier place.

Pay special attention to carpets, rugs, blankets, pillows. If you are renovating or building, also avoid contact with paint and some building materials.

Also, many types of cleaning products have toxic chemical components that can be harmful to your health, so avoid them whenever possible. How about trying to clean your home using natural products that won’t harm your family and pets?

Do lung exercises

Breath to clear lungs

Practicing breathing exercises is an excellent way to eliminate toxins and strengthen the lungs. Just as we exercise to make our muscles more defined, so does the lung. In this way, deep breathing makes them stronger and even clears the airway.

Breathe deeply and slowly, feeling the air slowly fill your lungs. Relax and exhale slowly as well.

Another very important tip is to practice physical activities regularly. In addition to the numerous benefits that we already know, they will also help to improve our respiratory capacity. Practicing yoga can also be a great alternative, as it works your breathing a lot.

Bet on different herbs and foods

Some foods can be very helpful in clearing your lungs. Pistachio, for example, contains a type of vitamin E whose consumption is associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer.

The banana leaf can also be an ally, as it helps to eliminate excess mucus and relieves respiratory problems involving nasal congestion. Also increase your intake of cayenne pepper. It relieves irritation and can help eliminate symptoms of coughing and sore throat.

Different herbs can also be used as natural remedies for good lung health. Some examples are oregano, eucalyptus, mint, lobelia and lungwort.

Special attention to the room

Clean the room

The bedroom is where you spend about 8 hours sleeping every night. That’s why it’s important to think about it to improve your night breathing habits.

Keep the room always ventilated and, if possible, sleep with the window open. Another tip is to use a humidifier or aromatic diffusers to create a more comfortable environment for our breathing.

Avoid keeping plants in your room that can “steal” our oxygen, and bet on options that help renew the air we breathe, such as devil’s ivy, also known as boa constrictor or golden pothos.

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