Tingling In The Joints: Causes And Natural Treatment

The tingling sensation in the joints is common and usually temporary, and it occurs due to several factors. However, it can be aggravated if the case is chronic. In this article, we’ll show you its causes and some suggestions for avoiding joint conditions.
Tingling in the joints: causes and natural treatment

Tingling in the joints can be a worrying symptom. It is quite common for people to say that they wake up with this discomfort, or that they continually suffer from it.

When tingling does not occur due to numbness due to improper body posture, it can be due to different causes. Keep reading!

What are joints?

A joint is an area where the ends of two or more bones, or a bone and cartilage, meet. Thanks to them, the body can move, they are what allow you to flex and rotate your legs, arms and back.

Between the bones that make up the joint, there is a flexible elastic tissue, the articular cartilage. Cartilage prevents friction between bones, acting as a cushioning system.

The joint is surrounded by a “joint pocket” that supports this entire system. This pocket is reinforced by ligaments that prevent joints from being easily damaged.

Why do we feel tingling in our joints?

joint pain

Joints can be affected by different diseases that impact them. One of the symptoms that first appears is tingling in the joints of the hands, feet, arms and legs.

There are times when this symptom is ephemeral and disappears without an apparent cause. In these cases, the organism certainly managed to react on its own and resisted the reason for its appearance.

However, when the tingling in the joints becomes chronic and the person experiences it for a long period of time, it must be treated with medical intervention.

Diseases that cause tingling in the joints

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis in the knees

According to information obtained from the National Library of Medicine of the United States, it is an inflammation in the joint and can appear in different parts of the body. Generally, the most affected are the fingers, arms and knees.

  • It usually appears between ages 30 and 60, and is more common in women than in men. There are no ethnic or geographic differences.
  • A person suffering from this disease has their ability to move around reduced.  After a period of tingling, more intense pain may appear.
  • It appears when calcium crystals accumulate in the joint, then tingling starts, cartilage weakens, gradually wears away, and pain increases.
  • Mainly damages wrists, knees and fingers. This disease is associated with osteoarthritis and thyroid disorders.
  • It’s an uncomfortable condition, but it doesn’t destroy the joint.


It is a  bone disease caused by microorganisms, according to this study carried out by the University of Costa Rica. . The germs reach bones through the bloodstream and settle in the joint, causing injury.

The initial symptom is tingling, but soon the pain gets worse. It is a disease that is cured with the use of antibiotics and affects children and adults.


It’s an autoimmune disease. The immune system, instead of fulfilling its body’s defense function, attacks healthy tissues and can damage different parts of the body.

  • Tingling in the joints is one of the symptoms that the bones or cartilage are being affected by lupus.
  • There is no recognized definitive cure for lupus, but it is a manageable disease.

Tips for preventing joint disease

Exercises to protect joint health

Diet is important. There are foods that provide nutrients that help prevent  joint pain and the diseases that cause them.

  • Omega 3.  It is extremely effective as it reduces inflammation and slows down the wear and tear of articular cartilage. Blue fish and flaxseeds have a high content of omega 3. A capsule supplement can also be consumed.
  • Celery. It has diuretic properties and acts as an antioxidant, according to this study by the University of Kurdistan. It is advisable for body detoxification and remineralization treatments. It should not be lacking in the diet, whether in salads, juices or infusions.
  • Nettle. Its cleansing properties soothe the symptoms of arthritis, according to this Isfahan University (Iran) study. It can be consumed as food or we can prepare a mixture of macerated leaves and alcohol to rub on the affected area.
  • Ginger. According to this study carried out by the same university mentioned above, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It can be consumed as an infusion or grated and mixed with other foods.

A healthy diet always helps to prevent disease.  However, it is necessary to keep in mind that only doctors can diagnose the causes of tingling in the joints. This is why it is advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible if this symptom persists.

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