The Best Natural Remedies To Detoxify The Liver

During the time we are following the natural treatment to detoxify the liver, it is important to avoid all foods that could harm the liver, such as alcohol or fast food.
The Best Natural Remedies To Detoxify Your Liver

A malfunction in the liver hinders the weight loss process,  as the metabolism of fats also slows down. Fortunately, we can count on the help of these natural remedies to detoxify the liver.

It is very important to pay attention to our health status daily to detect possible problems.

If we feel tired, irritable, or unwell for a day or several, it may be nothing; however, if this state is frequent, it is time to consider a change in habits and start working to purify ourselves.

Only then can we eliminate toxins from our body. It is convenient to detox several times a year, regardless of whether we have liver problems or not, as this habit will bring great benefits to our health.

Likewise, many of us feel that we are always very tired. You may feel tired all the time, and this is an indication that there may be something wrong with your liver.

Other signs of possible liver imbalance are:

  • The skin often tends to have a yellow hue, which is obviously not our natural color.
  • Urine can be very dark, even darker than normal when you don’t drink enough water.
  • The stool may look very dark, tarry, lighter or bloodstained.

Natural Remedies to Detoxify the Liver

parsley infusion

Parsley is an herb that we can use medicinally. It is often used to treat the problems of a liver in a bad condition, either by excess of alcohol or very fatty foods that can irritate you.

Parsley has always been widely recommended due to its diuretic properties.  It cleans the liver and contributes to its natural regeneration.

Thus, parsley eliminates toxins and promotes the purification of excess water from our body through urine.


  • 1 teaspoon of parsley (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the parsley.
  • Simmer for about 15 minutes and then remove from heat.
  • Wait 20 minutes for the drink to settle and drink.
  • For greater efficiency, drink a glass a day for a week.

Medicinal juice with parsley and celery to improve the liver

Celery and cucumber juice

Detoxifying our liver on a regular basis is very important, as that way we favor its function. Thus, we  stimulate the breakdown of fats in the body  and achieve better functioning of all other organs and systems.

With the following recipe we will restore our liver’s natural functions in just 5 days.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • 3 celery stalks


  • First, wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Add 2 cups of water to the blender glass along with the fresh parsley, 3 celery stalks and lemon juice.
  • Mix for 3 minutes and serve.
  • Drink twice a day, on an empty stomach and before going to sleep.

Celery and green apple juice to detoxify the liver

Celery and green apple smoothie

Green juices are healthy drinks that have become famous for their cleansing properties.

These help to cleanse and detoxify the body to prevent disease, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), regulate glucose levels, give a feeling of fullness and provide important vitamins and minerals for the body.

Fresh vegetables converted into green shakes will be the best choice to clean our liver.

Many shakes combine the perfect properties to help us alleviate an infinite number of ailments, including liver disease, making our bodies much healthier.

How many apples should we eat a day?

It is recommended to consume a green apple for breakfast. They’re great, they lower the blood sugar level, and they’re the most medicinal. They are very  suitable for liver cleansing thanks to their wonderful level of antioxidants.

In addition, apples have malic acid, which prevents the appearance of stones in the liver and kidneys, thus taking care of these organs.


  • 1 apple, cut into 4 pieces
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)


  • Add all ingredients to blender jar and process for 3 minutes.
  • So, we will have a glass of this delicious shake after every meal.

As a special recommendation, while on a liver detox diet,  avoid junk food as well as high-fat foods and alcoholic beverages  for a period of one week.

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