The 8 Best Oils To Keep Skin Young And Healthy

Although they are oils, we shouldn’t worry as they won’t leave us with an oily feeling and will help to hydrate the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity.
The 8 Best Oils to Keep Your Skin Young and Healthy

Continuous exposure to the sun’s UV rays and environmental toxins are a major cause of premature skin aging. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about the 8 best oils to keep your skin young and healthy.

These factors cause cell damage and lead to the appearance of imperfections such as wrinkles, spots and sagging.

Over time, the skin tends to become thinner and less elastic, which makes it susceptible to damage and deterioration.

In addition, the glands that secrete natural oils slow down and the skin becomes dry more often.

Luckily, there are a wide variety of essential oils whose properties help to restore natural moisture while repairing the damage the skin suffers from environmental factors.

In this article we want to highlight the top 8 so that you don’t hesitate to include them in your daily beauty routine.

Best Oils to Keep Your Skin Young and Healthy

1. Lavender oil

Lavender oil is a product with several cosmetic applications, thanks to its ability to regenerate the skin and relieve burns and cuts.

Contains powerful antioxidants  that act successfully against the negative action of free radicals and the sun’s rays.

Its active compounds have been proven to help the body produce substances such as glutathione, catalase and the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

2. Lemon oil to keep your skin young and healthy

Lemon oil and other varieties of citrus essential oils are packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that is linked to increased collagen.

Its properties reduce the risk of premature aging and participate in the repair of cells affected by free radicals.

Its main benefits for skin protection are due to a chemical called citral, which is also responsible for its particular aroma.

3. Jasmine oil to keep your skin young and healthy

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Jasmine essential oil is a product rich in vitamins and minerals that increase the skin’s elasticity and firmness.

Its regular use reduces stretch marks and reduces the size of scars. In addition, it has antibacterial agents that protect against skin infections.

Its aroma is relaxing and can be used through techniques such as aromatherapy.

4. Tea tree essential oil to keep skin young and healthy

Tea tree essential oil is a powerful natural moisturizer and antiseptic that can be used in many alternative treatments to fight acne.

It has a refreshing action that regulates the production of oils and pH, to eliminate harmful bacteria.

Some use it as a natural remedy against ringworm, as it combats the fungus that appears on the skin and nails.

5. Coconut oil to keep your skin young and healthy

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Considered a natural moisturizer par excellence, coconut oil is a nutrient-rich product that promotes collagen production and replacement.

Its medium-chain fatty acids and antioxidants prevent the formation of wrinkles, blemishes and other age-related imperfections.

It also contains a substance called lauric acid, which fights acne breakouts, fungus and other skin problems.

6. Grape oil to keep your skin young and healthy

Grapeseed oil is obtained from its seeds, and is characterized by its high content of antioxidants and healthy lipids.

Contains phenol, a substance that stimulates cell activity while moisturizing.

It also contains vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that participates in the repair of cells affected by free radicals.

It is recommended to combat chicken feet, early spots and wrinkles that form on the neck and cleavage.

7. Avocado oil to keep your skin young and healthy

Known for its high content of essential oils and vitamins, avocado oil is one of the most valued ingredients in the cosmetic industry.

It is part of hundreds of skin treatments and products, such as anti-aging creams and moisturizing lotions.

It contains a significant amount of vitamin E, whose antioxidant action delays aging and the appearance of spots caused by the sun.

It is easily absorbed by the skin and provides natural moisture, especially when it does not produce oils.

8. Carrot oil to keep your skin young and healthy

Carrot oil is one of the best choices to protect the skin against environmental aggressions.

It has a high content of vitamin A and fatty acids, which create a protective barrier against cell damage and premature wrinkles.

Use it to prevent stains and get a more uniform color.

Haven’t experienced the benefits of these oils yet? Choose what catches your eye and combine it with a healthy diet to keep your skin young and radiant.

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