The 5 Best Fruits For Your Liver And Kidney Health: Find Out What They Are!

How can we take better care of our liver and kidney health? First, it is essential that we improve our lifestyle habits. Following a proper diet where we do not include salt and where we restrict the consumption of fats is, without a doubt, vital.

Getting some exercise, not smoking, and properly controlling our emotions are factors that we also need to take into account. But, nature offers us small allies that we cannot do without: fruits.

Today, in our space we want to reveal  the most suitable fruits to take care of your liver and kidney health. Check out!

The 5 best fruits for your liver and kidney health

1. The watermelon


We love watermelon! It is this delicious fruit that refreshes us in the summer and that goes so well with natural juices and even original dishes for our lunches or dinners. Have you ever tried making a spinach, fresh cheese, walnut, watermelon and mint salad? It’s delicious.

We will now explain why watermelon is ideal for taking care of your liver and kidney health:

  • Watermelon is one of the best fruits for cleaning the kidneys and boosting the health of our liver, thanks to its amazing detoxifying and diuretic properties.
  • One of the healthiest ways to consume watermelon is through its juice, as this is how we can better clean our tissues and blood flow, in turn stimulating the kidney functions.
  • Always remember to consume fresh watermelon. If it’s overripe or overdone, it can cause us more problems than benefits.

2. The blueberries

blueberry juice

The best way to consume blueberries is also for their natural juice. Not only is it delicious, it’s also one of the best treatments to clean our bladder, kidneys, and improve liver function. Take note of all the virtues of blueberries:

  • Blueberries are some of the best natural antioxidants and detoxifiers we have in nature.
  • They are perfect for eliminating toxins, detoxifying the body and protecting us from free radicals.
  • One of the best known properties of blueberries is that they prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder. In this way, they take care of our entire gastrointestinal system very effectively.

3. The lemon


Lemon is possibly the best natural remedy we can take every day. In our space we often talk about the benefits of drinking warm water with a little lemon juice on an empty stomach, but you should also know that it is very suitable for taking care of your liver and kidney health.

  • Lemon is a natural detoxifier, a detoxifying agent that will be very useful to treat, for example, fatty liver.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals, it stands out as a treasure to improve and strengthen the liver and kidneys.
  • Another benefit that lemons have is that they help us break down food when it reaches the stomach. In this way, it makes our digestions even easier.

4. The apples

Litter Benefits

Green apples, red apples… Whatever you want. Choose the ones you like best or the ones that look the most striking, because they will always be great not only for taking care of your liver and kidney health, but also for protecting your heart.

How about if we include an apple in our breakfast today? Perfect, but always remember to eat it with skin. It’s more beneficial!

  • Apples, in addition to eliminating bad cholesterol and regulating the level of triglycerides, are very suitable for stimulating kidney function and for filtering the liver.
  • The ideal is to eat only one apple a day, but always remember to wash it well beforehand and consume it in the skin.

5. Red grapes


Always choose the darkest, reddest grapes. The reason? Because they are richer in antioxidants and their medicinal properties are higher than in white grapes.

  • Grapes are diuretics and, in addition, help us to clean the kidneys and enhance liver function.
  • As you already know, they are a natural tribute full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, at the same time they are very suitable to eliminate all harmful substances for our body.
  • They are very rich in water, almost 80%. Therefore, it would be highly recommended to consume them every day and, if possible, always with the skin, since as with apples or pears, most of their benefits are found in this part of the fruit.
  • You can eat grapes in many different ways: for breakfast in a bowl of oatmeal or with a natural Greek yogurt or even mixed with a rich salad based on spinach, walnuts and, if you wish, also with a little watermelon.

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