Stuttering: Types And Treatments

Did you know that there are different types of stuttering? Today we are going to meet them and we will also see how this problem can be dealt with.
Stuttering: types and treatments

Stuttering is a problem that affects the flow of speech. The person affected by it repeats the words, suffers interruptions in speech and has difficulty speaking fluently. In this article, we’ll learn about the types of stuttering that exist and how they can be treated.

As the article ‘ Approaching and managing stuttering’ points out,  this problem is characterized by a lack of fluency when speaking. This manifests itself  in the form of repetition of words, syllables, long pauses and blocks. However, why does this problem occur?

The aforementioned article estimates that up to 70% of stuttering cases  are  related to family history. Therefore, if there is someone in the family who has already suffered from this speech difficulty, it is likely that other members will develop it.

Types of stuttering

stutter boy

When we think of a person who stutters, we do so without intuiting that  there may be different types of stuttering. In fact, it might be the first time you’ve heard it. For this reason, today you will discover that there is not just one type and that each of them has very specific characteristics.

  • Developmental stuttering:  Occurs when children are learning to speak. It usually disappears when the child has mastered all speech and language skills.
  • Neurogenic : is caused by an injury caused by severe trauma to the head and even a stroke. It can be irreversible.
  • Clone : the child is unable to speak fluently because he repeats syllables and words involuntarily.
  • Tonic : the child suffers from spasms that interrupt their speech. When this type is combined with the previous one (clonic), it is referred to as mixed stuttering.

Usually,  the type of stutter that comes to mind is usually mixed. However, as we could see, there are other possibilities.

How is this speech disorder treated?

Depending on the type of stuttering the child has, they will be treated in different ways. The sooner the little one starts treatment, the sooner this problem will improve so that he can speak fluently and without interruption.

speech problem in children

Speech therapy for speech

This is the first of the treatments a child diagnosed with this speech disorder will undergo. In this type of therapy, tools are provided to the child, in addition to a work that consists of addressing the following points:

  • Learn techniques that reduce stuttering when speaking
  • speak slower
  • work on breathing 

This type of therapy tends to give very good results and is a way in which the child can also reduce their anxiety. Stuttering often gets worse because they are nervous or afraid of being embarrassed.

In cases where the child suffers from neurogenic stuttering, cognitive-behavioral therapy  may also  be a treatment option.

Electronic devices

There are some devices that can help reduce stuttering. The ones being used most often are devices placed in the ear, such as a hearing aid. They mimic speech when the child emits it as if someone were speaking in unison.

The reason you can choose this tool is because stuttering often occurs due to a delay in listening to spoken sounds. Therefore, this can be a good option to get a noticeable improvement of the problem.

The best therapy for stuttering is patience.

Despite all these treatment options, parents should be involved in improving their children’s stuttering. For this, it will be essential to have patience and follow the instructions of the professionals. You should avoid scolding him, talking to him quickly, or getting mad at him.

Many people suffer from this disorder, but with all the options we have today, it is possible to improve it until it becomes almost unnoticeable to others. However, working at home, praising the child, not stressing them, listening to them and being patient are essential elements.

Have you ever suffered from stuttering? Is anyone close to you stuttering? We hope this article has given you a better understanding of this disorder and also how you can help those who suffer from it.

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