Sleeping Well: 6 Routines For Adequate Rest

A good quality of sleep is crucial to maintaining optimal physical and mental productivity. Fortunately, there are some healthy routines that help you sleep better.
How to Sleep Well: 6 Routines for Adequate Rest

Although many people don’t care, sleeping well is one of the essential habits to enjoy a good quality of life. This biological need is crucial for the physical and mental processes that affect health.

And if you still have doubts, just ask yourself: how do you feel when you don’t sleep well?

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) talks about minimum and maximum sleep hours according to age, noting that people between 26 and 64 years old should sleep between 6 and 9 hours. Reducing this time interferes with important body functions.

Furthermore, as a consequence, various associated problems may develop, such as increased stress, sleep disturbances, pain and malaise. Therefore, 

how to sleep well

The modern lifestyle, technology and professional occupations are some of the factors that have a negative impact on sleep. While sleeping well is recommended for good health, many people reduce their rest period.

Consequently, many sleep-related problems increased, which in turn decreased productivity. How to avoid such problems?

1. Prepare a light dinner

The daily consumption of a light dinner helps to sleep well and get adequate rest.

2. Practice yoga

Yoga is believed to be one of the most effective relaxation methods for improving sleep quality. However, there is no conclusive research on it.

On the other hand, regular practice has shown other health benefits, such as improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and improving mood in people with depression and anxiety, according to this study by Dr. Woodyard.

3. Take care of the environment where you sleep

In order to sleep well, it is important that the chosen resting environment is appropriate. Being in an environment with noise, uneven temperatures or too much light will not help. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the room so that it is as comfortable as possible.

Also, we should break the habit of using the bedroom as a workplace. So that the brain doesn’t get confused

4. Avoid stimulating substances

The demands of today’s lifestyle make many see stimulant products as the best way to “energize” the body. While it’s true that many help to combat low energy, their excessive consumption can cause sleep problems and health risks.

The function of this type of substance is to increase the excitation of the nervous system to prolong alertness. Therefore, to sleep well, it is best to avoid drinking coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants from mid-afternoon.

5. Take a hot shower

Ironically, the feeling of tiredness that is produced by the tiring day at work can trigger insomnia or sleep difficulties.

Therefore, to relax the body before going to bed, it is ideal to take a bath with hot water.

6. Listen to relaxing music

One of the best routines that make rest easier is listening to relaxing sounds at low volumes. Nowadays, it is very easy to find melodies that calm the mind to fall asleep more easily.

Haven’t you been able to sleep well the last few nights? Feel free to add these simple routines to your daily life. While sleeping poorly may seem “harmless” at first, over time it can lead to problems that are more difficult to treat.

Seek help if the situation drags on

In conclusion, to sleep well, you can help yourself with these 6 effective habits. However, we also want to warn that there are many causes to explain sleep-related difficulties and problems.

Therefore, if it doesn’t get better, we recommend going to the doctor for a proper diagnosis and, when appropriate, carrying out a specific treatment.

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