Simple Exercises To Relieve Sciatic Nerve, Back And Hip Pain

Keep in mind that these exercises are very suitable for finding relief when sciatic nerve pain is moderate, as bed rest is also beneficial for the problem.
Simple exercises to relieve sciatic nerve, back and hip pain

It may seem contradictory, but moderate exercise is the best therapy to improve our quality of life in case we suffer from sciatic nerve pain in the hips or back.

If the pain is intense, it will be recommended to spend a period of rest. However, the lack of permanent mobility further reinforces this  very common problem.

We cannot forget that movement is life and that active exercise promotes the health of the vertebrae.

The simple movement and these exercises, which achieve a proper harmony between all the structures of our spine, facilitate the realization of healthy exchanges of fluids and nutrients for all these delicate structures.

This way, we combat the pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce the inflammation of the hips and the strain on the back.

Keep in mind that sometimes our worst enemy is the “fear of pain” itself, and the classic thought that “I better not move, not to make the pain worse”.

These simple exercises will provide relief, offer better mobility and an adequate quality of life. We invite you to meet them.

1. Butterfly position to treat sciatic nerve, back and hip pain

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As we indicated at the beginning, this type of exercise can be performed only if the pain in our hips, back or sciatic nerve is not severe.

As long as the pain is moderate, we will carry out this routine of stretching and postures, which aim to improve the strength and health of our bones, nerves and joints.

Keys to perform the “butterfly” posture

  • Sit on the floor, on a pillow, with your legs spread and bent.
  • At the beginning of the exercise, try to keep your back very straight.
  • We should try to keep the soles of our feet together.
  • Lightly grab your ankles as you do this.
  • If you can’t stay in that position, that’s fine. Each day we are getting more, but it is convenient to go little by little.
  • Later, you can begin to lean forward until you feel a slight pressure on your hips.
  • Hold this pose for 5 seconds, relax and repeat.

2. The bird’s posture

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This exercise is one of the most interesting for relieving pain in the sciatic nerve, as well as pain in the back or hips.

We are going to set in motion all these most problematic areas and, therefore, it is very important that we are constant, and that we carry out this exercise daily for 5 or 10 minutes.

How to do the bird exercise

  • Get on your knees and hands on a pillow or mattress.
  • Hands must be very firm on the ground.
  • Then place your right knee behind your left hand while lifting your other leg a little (to achieve this, you will need to tilt your hips a little).
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Rest and repeat the same with the other leg (the left knee should be behind the right hand).

3. Exercises on a chair

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We continue our routine with a simple exercise that you can perform at any time of the day.

Write down the keys for each step to get a real benefit for your back and hips and to relieve sciatic nerve pain.

Exercise steps on the chair

  • Choose a firm, secure chair.
  • Sit forward a little, almost on the edge of the chair.
  • Place your right leg over your left so that your ankle is over that knee.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds, inhale, and now lean forward with your back very straight.
  • Repeat the same exercise with the other leg.

4. Exercises on the bed or sofa

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As we’ve seen so far, this series of exercises can be done normally at home.

The most important thing is to remember something essential: this routine is not only to relieve pain, but it will also allow us, above all, to prevent it.

We have to be aware that, each day, it is necessary to find 35 minutes to do them.

Let’s practice them calmly, without pain, but always favoring the act of stretching, flexibility and resistance, from which the authentic results arise.

How to practice a good exercise on the couch to take care of your back and hips

  • Lie down on the sofa.
  • Bend your right knee, bringing it to your chest.
  • If you can’t reach your chest, get to the point where, without feeling pain, you realize you’re at the limit of your endurance. Day by day, you will be able to improve.
  • Repeat this movement 10 times, helping to accommodate the knee with your hands.
  • When you finish this series, start with the other leg.

In conclusion, these four exercises are simple and very beneficial. However, always remember to consult a good physical therapist in case your sciatic nerve pain is severe or chronic.

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