Restore Your Hormones To Burn Body Fat

Since hormonal imbalances can be to blame for not being able to lose weight, we must follow a balancing treatment for each specific hormone, depending on the region we want to reduce.
Restore your hormones to burn body fat

Not everyone knows, but there is a great relationship between hormones, weight and accumulated fat. Learn how to restore your hormones and burn body fat in specific parts of the body from this article and stop suffering from being overweight.

Not only are hormones directly responsible for your weight, but so is your metabolism. In other words, the place where fat is stored, the desire to eat and hunger. For any hormonal imbalance you experience, your efforts to lose weight will be in vain.

You might think that skipping fast food and running for half an hour is enough to lose weight, but it’s not that simple as there’s something else to consider. So remember that if your hormones aren’t balanced, you’ll never get the body you want.

It’s good to know the basics of hormones that you’ve probably heard of. These are biochemical substances produced by the body so that the body works like an orchestra.

They are an essential part for us to get energy, fight stress, maintain muscle mass, and are also responsible for accumulating fat.

This is why, for example, many women at a certain point in their menstrual period feel a great need to eat or feel nauseated when pregnant.

Therefore, by balancing your hormones, you will be more successful in enjoying a happy, energetic, and ideal weight life.

As a first step, it is necessary to detoxify the body, eliminating toxins and everything that is bad for you.

Foods made up of negative substances are the most “addictive”, which is why you’ll have more cravings for a packet of French fries than an apple.

So start avoiding them. It can be difficult at first; the effort requires at least three weeks. But the good news is that the results are wonderful.

Diet can influence a lot by intoxicating or detoxifying your body.


Abdominal fat

Stay away from all foods with a high glycemic index, because they are the ones that encourage anxiety and the urge to eat out of control.

Therefore, remove from your diet (or reduce your intake) refined carbohydrates and sugars (bread, rice, pasta, sweets, pies, all white or very sweet), as well as processed foods that contain many preservatives and additives.

On the opposite side are foods that can be used not only to lose weight, but also to improve health. Low glycemic foods are the ones that will keep your hormones balanced, positively impacting your body and skin.

Foods that offer a good amount of fiber, such as bananas, raisins, artichokes, oats, nuts and beans, will help improve your digestive system.

Also, don’t forget to drink two liters of water a day (up to 3 may be needed during the summer) to increase your metabolism and provide the amount of fluid needed for the body to eliminate toxins through urine and perspiration.

 lose weight 

Burn body fat: belly

If you have a bulging belly, it could be because of the amount of food you eat or because you don’t have a proper bowel movement. Fat accumulated in the abdominal region is also related to excess cortisol hormone (known as the stress hormone).

It is for this reason that employees who spend hours under pressure generally have more fat accumulated in this region.

One of the natural remedies for losing belly fat is holy basil, an herb native to India that lowers cortisol levels. Other alternatives are spinach, citrus fruits, barley, beans and nuts.

Burn body fat: torso

If you’re storing a lot of fat in your back and upper torso (which isn’t as common, but it can happen), it’s because your insulin levels are high.

Foods capable of reducing this area are those that have linoleic acid, such as yogurt, (lean) meat, whole grains and green vegetables.

Burn body fat from the glutes


One of the nightmares of women is the large butt, although it has been proven that many would like to have it, but without exaggeration. If you are storing more fat than you should in this area, as mentioned earlier, it is due to high estrogen production.

To combat these effects, it is recommended to consume vegetables that belong to the group of cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower or broccoli, which are rich in phytochemicals that neutralize the hormone that harms your glutes. Other options include flaxseed, chia, sesame, red grapes and pomegranates.

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