Recommendations For Treating Arthritis

To reduce excessive pressure on your joints it is essential to maintain a proper weight. You can do light physical exercise, always within your own possibilities.
Recommendations for Treating Arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic disease and the only completely definitive solution, in some cases, is to opt for surgery.

What we want today is to consider a series of recommendations and tips to avoid surgery as much as possible.

Arthritis can be divided into several classes and each has different symptoms. Next, we’ll name the most common types of arthritis.

The most common types of arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common illnesses around the world. In concrete figures, millions of adults and half of adults over 65 years of age (elderly) suffer from discomfort caused by this disease.


Osteoarthritis, or osteoarthritis, is the most common type of arthritis among the elderly, and occurs when cartilage begins to tear and wear out.

Regarding symptoms, the most common are numbness and moderate pain when performing activities such as walking, bending down and even when we are only willing to rest.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body itself attacks the tissues of a joint; as if he wanted to protect his body from illness or injury.

This disease can not only destroy the joints, but also cause problems in organs such as the heart, muscles, blood vessels, nervous system and eyes.

The drop

Gout is considered one of the most painful presentations of arthritis; this attack can begin when uric acid crystals accumulate in the ligaments or joint cavities.

These deposits tend to cause inflammation, redness, heat, pain and a lot of stiffness in the joints.

alarming signs

  • Incessant joint pain
  • inflamed joints
  • Hardened or numb joints
  • Sensitivity or pain when touching a joint
  • Problems using or moving a joint normally
  • Heat and redness of an affected joint

Specific treatment



Certain medications can help control the pain caused by this condition.

Also, rest and exercise will help move your joints more easily. It is also highly recommended to maintain a proper (low) weight.

Rheumatoid arthritis

With proper treatment it is possible to control the disease and prevent its progression, but for the moment there is no cure.

If proper treatment is followed, as well as medical recommendations, it will be possible to move around more easily and notice that the pain will lessen.

But it must be remembered that, as it is an autoimmune disease, it is possible to suffer acute attacks at certain times; which can also be controlled with medication.

The drop


The most recommended when you have an attack of gout is to see a trusted doctor to define what triggered the problem; and, in this way, define how to prevent future attacks.

The main measure will be to reduce uric acid levels in the blood, and this is possible through a specific diet and with the help of some medication prescribed by the doctor.

The most common with regard to acute treatment for gout is the use of NSAIDs, as well as steroids such as prednisone or colchicine; which is a specific pain reliever for gout attacks.

Treatments or General Tips for Treating Arthritis

Lose weight

Lose weight

The main and paramount advice that should always be considered will be weight loss. The best way to release excessive pressure on your joints is to lose weight.

With this, the most benefited joints will be the knees, feet, ankles, waist and spine.

Practice the correct exercise

Another of the best ways to help the joints is physical exercise, as a sedentary lifestyle is very harmful for people who already have arthritis.

The exercise will be most suitable if guided by a person who understands the subject, such as a physical therapist.

Avoid violent exercise

To walk

All exercises that place excessive strain on the joints should be avoided, as they are not the best option for people over fifty; after all, they can injure them, especially those with arthritis.

Moderate exercise is the most suitable, as is the case, for example, with walking.

practice yoga

This activity is especially interesting for patients suffering from any type of arthritis.

It is very important that this type of activity is done with the help of a teacher who knows the proper movements for the disease; as well as know how to guide them on the way they should be performed.

Avoid carrying weights

The least thing a person suffering from arthritis should do is to exceed the weight of what they are carrying, as this prevents the joint problem from getting better.

Thus, it is recommended to use instruments that help carry the weight to all parts without having to exert much effort.

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