Pancreatic Cancer Could Become The Second Most Deadly

The incidence of pancreatic cancer is increasing. We tell below the reasons and how we can prevent its emergence.

Pancreatic cancer has been on the rise in recent years. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is currently among the top 5 with the highest mortality rate, second only to lung, breast, stomach and colorectal cancer.

However, according to a work published in specialized magazines, such as Scienci Daily , in 2030 he could reach second place. It is not encouraging, especially if we take into account that it is a type of cancer that can evolve, at first, without many symptoms.

We cannot forget an equally important fact: if pancreatic cancer will be located, in a few decades, in a higher position in relation to mortality, it means, in turn, that science is advancing and that the rates of death from breast cancer or colorectal will continue to decline.

It is something positive to take into account and should not make us forget that cancer is a disease to be treated that is not synonymous with “death”, but with struggle and full confidence in a science that, day by day, continues to advance.

Today, in our space, we want to explain what this increase may be due to pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer will increase in the coming years

A fact that we cannot forget is the evidence that life expectancy is increasing. This translates into an older population that can develop certain diseases at any time.

Pancreatic cancer can appear between the ages of 46 and 75 years. However, the age at which most diagnoses are made is 71 years. From then on, the risk of developing this disease increases.

Risk factors such as smoking, family history or certain pancreatic diseases cause the number of cases of cancer to rise.

  • It should be noted, however, that pancreatic cancer is not 100% due to these aspects; experts tell us that currently they do not know the details that determine this difficult disease.

There are, for example, people in their early 40s who lead a healthy lifestyle and are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

That’s why scientists tell us that the biggest difficulties found when it comes to being able to “control” this disease are the following:


The complexity of getting a diagnosis

As we highlighted at the beginning, one reason why pancreatic cancer may rank second with the highest mortality (after lung cancer) is because breast, stomach or colorectal cancer patients tend to have higher expectations thanks to to better treatments.

  • Basically what happens with the pancreas is that it is located in a very deep region within the abdomen. It is very difficult to get to it to visualize it with conventional exploration methods.
  • Another aspect to take into account is that patients do not show symptoms in the early stages, precisely when it would be more effective to treat the disease. It is, without a doubt, quite complex.

Factors we should take into account

Scientists have publicized this research in various media around the world with a very clear objective: to make large organizations aware of the need to invest in better treatments and professionals capable of going deeper into this type of cancer, which, in a few years, can become one of the deadliest.

Meanwhile, we continue to fight the clock to face an increasingly older population at risk of contracting certain diseases considered serious. So it is vital that we can “invest in health”.

We know that the chance of suffering or not from a certain type of cancer cannot be avoided 100%, but whenever we take good care of our life habits, we will be fighting against it, gaining well-being, natural defenses, antibodies, energy…


Consider these aspects that could help you fight pancreatic cancer:

  • Avoid habits like smoking or alcohol
  • fight obesity
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle, get your body in motion every day through walking or simple aerobic exercise.
  • Pancreatic cancer is more common in patients suffering from diabetes. It is important to take this into account.
  • Suffering from chronic pancreatitis is another factor that should invite us to perform more tests.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin C, fluids, fresh, antioxidant-rich foods. Also consult your doctor about taking vitamin D supplements.
  • Avoid foods high in fat and don’t hesitate to consume olive oil and easily digestible cereals.

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