Learn How To Use Baking Soda To Treat Nail Fungus

Thanks to the properties of the active substances, vinegar is a great remedy to eliminate fungi that affect the nails, both externally and internally.
Learn how to use baking soda to treat nail fungus

Nail fungus develops a dermatophyte-like infection. They proliferate easily on both hands and feet. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about using baking soda to treat nail fungus.

Since these areas are in continuous contact with heat and humidity, the microorganisms are kept in the optimal conditions for their reproduction and can attack without any problems.

As a result, the nails develop visible and unsightly changes, in addition to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and peeling of the surrounding skin.

Fortunately, there are ingredients with antifungal effects that can be used to control the infection without the need to use harsh chemicals.

Among these, we find the wonder sodium bicarbonate, a natural product whose domestic and medicinal applications have made it famous all over the world.

Next, we want to tell you why it is effective in these cases and how to apply it properly to obtain its benefits in a short time.

Baking soda to treat nail fungus

Person who wants to eliminate nail fungus

Before knowing the treatment with sodium bicarbonate to treat nail fungus, it is important to clarify that its effects are not achieved immediately.

Although the product starts to fight fungus from the first application, its total elimination does not happen overnight .

For this reason, it is essential to be constant with the use and follow the necessary recommendations to get to the root of the problem.

In addition, we recommend enhancing its properties with apple cider vinegar, an antifungal ingredient that also provides many benefits to the feet.

Both products are usually in the kitchen pantry or can be purchased at very affordable prices.


  • 6 glasses of water (1.5 liters)
  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • 3 scoops of baking soda (30 g)


  • Heat the water to a bearable temperature for your feet.
  • Add half a glass of apple cider vinegar and pour the liquid into a large container.
  • Soak your feet in this liquid and soak for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • After this recommended time, dry your nails well and rub them with a baking soda paste.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse.
  • Perform gentle circular massages to exfoliate both the nail surface and the surrounding skin.
  • Repeat this treatment every night until the appearance of the affected nails improves.
  • Optionally, you can moisten the baking soda with lemon and hydrogen peroxide to enhance its antifungal effect.

Why use baking soda to treat nail fungus?

Baking soda to fight nail fungus

Baking soda is a white powder that has been used throughout history, both in gastronomy and in house cleaning tasks.

It is valued for its antiseptic, antifungal and alkaline properties, which serve as a complement to treat various types of infections.

Its topical applications are well known because it is useful as a natural exfoliant and a remedy against various allergies.

It also reduces skin infections and has active substances that reduce fungus both on the surface and inside the nails.

It should be noted that it is also a natural deodorant, ideal for neutralizing bad odors and excessive foot sweat.

What to know to treat nail fungus?

feet without fungus

Although this treatment with sodium bicarbonate is very useful to alleviate this infection, one should not ignore other important recommendations to achieve the desired effects.

  • For example, during the treatment, it is necessary to avoid humid and closed environments that can promote the development of fungi.
  • Therefore, it is convenient to wear an open and ventilated type of footwear, which prevents the accumulation of sweat and bacteria.
  • It is also important to dry your feet and hands thoroughly after washing them, as leftover water favors the growth of fungi.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting manicure and pedicure tools will prevent the infection from spreading to unaffected nails.

Does this condition continue to afflict you? If despite the treatments and advice the fungi continue to grow, consult a doctor to find out about other alternatives.

The most important thing is to take care in time so that it does not become a serious problem that is difficult to solve.

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