Is It Okay To Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach?

When eating garlic on an empty stomach, bacteria are unprepared and weak, so it’s easier to get rid of them. It can also help us regulate blood circulation and improve digestive processes.
Is it okay to eat garlic on an empty stomach?

Garlic is known for its particular flavor and for giving our dishes a very tasty and special touch. But in addition to being an excellent spice, eating garlic has also become popular for its multiple health-beneficial properties, capable of fighting and preventing a large number of diseases.

While the aroma and breath that garlic leaves behind doesn’t exactly make it a favorite of people, its medicinal properties make it one of the best foods that can be eaten daily to improve health.

There are currently divided opinions on the issue of eating garlic on an empty stomach, as while some say it has no effect, others assert that it is actually beneficial and effective in preventing a host of health problems.

Why is it recommended to eat garlic on an empty stomach?

Eating garlic while fasting enhances its antibiotic properties, as it is precisely when we get up that bacteria are defenseless, so they cannot protect themselves from the action of garlic to eliminate them.

Several researches have found that eating raw garlic on an empty stomach can help reduce the symptoms of high blood pressure as, in addition to regulating blood circulation, it also protects against heart problems, improves digestion, liver and bladder.


Fasting garlic also has properties that stimulate digestion and improve appetite. It is recommended to fight diarrhea, and its long-term consumption could also prevent different types of cancers.

Some experts say that garlic also helps fight nervous problems or stress because it stimulates the secretion of serotonin, which is the hormone in charge of transmitting signals and regulating mood or mood.

Other important benefits of garlic

  • Garlic is considered to be one of the best foods to detoxify the body. Thanks to its properties, it helps to fight parasites and worms and, at the same time, stimulates the elimination of toxins that can affect the body.
  • Frequent consumption of garlic can help prevent diseases such as diabetes, typhus, depression, or cardiovascular problems, among others.
  • Garlic also helps to strengthen the immune system, preventing colds, flu, coughs, phlegm and other respiratory infections.

It is worth clarifying that to enjoy all the benefits of garlic, it is very important to consume it raw, since cooked it can lose up to 90% of its properties.

Although the flavor and aroma of garlic can be unpleasant and strong, the benefits it offers make up for these inconveniences.

Several ways to eat garlic daily

eat garlic

  • As we mentioned before, the best way to enjoy all the benefits of garlic is to consume it preferably on an empty stomach. The recommended dose, generally speaking, is two raw garlic cloves a day.
  • For tuberculosis : in this case, it is recommended to consume a whole head of garlic during the day. Start by consuming one or two garlic cloves on an empty stomach, and the rest you will consume throughout the day.
  • Bronchial disease : for all kinds of bronchial disease, you can prepare a special infusion of garlic as a protagonist.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • 200 g of garlic.
  • 700 g of brown sugar.

Method of preparation

Bring to a boil 200 grams of garlic in a liter of water, add 700 grams of brown sugar and consume the syrup produced at least three times a day.

Catarrh or asthma:


  • 40 g of garlic.
  • 100 ml of 90% alcohol.

Method of preparation 

Chop 40 grams of garlic and place in a bottle, then add 100 ml of 90% alcohol. Cover the bottle tightly and let it sit for 5 or 6 days. Then add 15 to 30 drops of this mixture to hot water and consume this remedy every day.

  • Garlic can also be used topically, in cases of bites from insects or poisonous animals. Its antibiotic properties will help prevent an infection and will also keep mosquitoes away.
  • Another way to harness the powers of garlic is to apply it directly to the bothersome warts. Its powerful action will help to reduce them remarkably and will prevent them from continuing to propagate through the body.
  • In case you cannot tolerate the smell of garlic or are allergic to this food, you can try to enjoy its benefits by buying garlic in pills or tablets. Another option is to look for alternatives to combat the aroma that garlic leaves after consuming it.

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