Improve Your Emotions With An Oxytocin Inhaler

Oxytocin is a hormone we produce that acts in the brain as a chemical modulator of social behavior, trust, and attachment. So what happens if it is inhaled?
Improve your emotions with an oxytocin inhaler

Some virtuosos of the human mind earn the trust of the toughest through body language and verbal language. For those who lack this masterful ability, there may be alternatives: an oxytocin inhaler can improve the perception that others have of you.

Because trusting others is at the base of any social relationship. On the contrary, distrust annihilates interactions of any kind.

Use the oxytocin inhaler and you will get along better with others

Oxytocin is a hormone that we produce. It acts on the brain as a chemical modulator of social behavior, trust and attachment. According to scientific studies, inhaling oxytocin through the nose increases trust between people and improves social relationships. It even improves the interpretation of complex emotions when it is difficult to describe what we feel.

The most surprising thing is that just one dose is enough for us to increase empathy, trust and the desire for cooperation even from the first contact with strangers.

Oxytocin Inhaler Helps Relationships

Oxytocin improves memory of war conflicts

This “happiness and love hormone” is so powerful for the mind that it can even ameliorate the natural aversion of enemies to war in war conflicts and alleviate traumatic experiences.

Joint work by researchers from the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom demonstrated that Israelis who expressed painful consequences from their experience in the Israel-Palestine conflict increased their empathy for the pain and suffering of the enemy.

The Oxytocin Inhaler Linked to Motivation to Eat

Oxytocin is linked to appetite and weight. In a study of obese people who inhaled small doses of hormone for 8 weeks, it was found that they lost more than 15 pounds without effort. The explanation for this miraculous change comes from the fact that a single nasal dose reduced cravings and, therefore, there was less tendency to eat on whims or cravings that turned into extra pounds.

On the other hand, levels of this hormone are altered in people who suffer from anorexia nervosa. This disease is characterized by a distorted view of self-perception, eating disorders, food rejection and extreme thinness. Altered doses of oxytocin in people suffering from anorexia would explain the lack of motivation to eat as a pleasant activity and the distortion between feelings of hunger and satiety.

Oxytocin Assay in Autism

The oxytocin inhaler has also been used in trials with people with autism. Autists suffer in childhood a disorder that manifests itself with the loss of contact with external reality and social maladjustments. Autistic people seem to live in their “world of their own”.

children with autism

In this case, after using the oxytocin inhaler, autistic patients responded and interacted more with others. On the other hand, they increased companionship and trust and ultimately improved social behavior.

However, after reading this article, we would love to have an oxytocin inhaler in case the head of a bank gives us a loan, or the potential buyer buys the product we want to sell so hard.

But be careful! Don’t accept an inhaler from strangers because they might have the same intentions towards you.

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