How To Tell If Your Teenager Is Lying

Early identification of ongoing lies in teenagers may be the key to preventing behavior problems. We will help you know if your child is lying to you.
How to tell if your teenager is lying

How do you know if your teenager is lying to you? Communication between parents and children is always a topic of study and reflection; especially in relation to lying and deceit at this stage of transition to maturity.

When Can You Know If Your Teenager Is Lying To You

When parents realize that their teenager is lying to them, there is a turning point. Parents sometimes avoid talking to their child because of fear; as if they closed their eyes to the problem. At the same time,  the young person feels the lack of confidence and avoids talking to them.

In this way, a gradual distancing is created and parental supervision becomes difficult as well. And, in the long run, if this is not resolved, this adolescent behavior  can lead to difficulties in relating to their environment, aggressive behaviorloss of self-control, etc.

For this reason, the first step is to find out if your teenager is lying to you on a regular basis. If that happens, it  will be time to seek professional support to solve this problem  and restore the healthy bond between parents and children.

How do you know if your teenager is lying to you?

Some indicators

jealous daughter

For starters, if you’re reading this article, it’s because you already suspect your teenager is lying to you. In this case, you may have already detected one of these indicators:

  • He exaggerates when recounting the things he experienced.
  • He often resorts to little  lies.
  • He doesn’t tell you things that are happening at school, like teachers or test scores.
  • You discover other things he’s involved in.
  • He shows photographs (eg on social media) that present only a very positive part of who he really is or lives on a daily basis.
  • You’re not sure what he does when he goes out with his friends.
  • He only tells you part of the story when you ask him.

Body language

Also, the moment we  talk to our son; we can  also  look out for some detectable signs ​​through their body language. This will help us detect whether what counts is true or not and will be more evident at a younger age.

For example, he will first  avoid looking into your eyes while lying. Also, you may look to the right, an eye movement related to imagination, that is, to possible lying. It’s also possible that your voice has a slight tremor and your hands are sweating.

How is this expressed?

When you ask your child a question, you can also  be aware of the way you communicate. He will never have the same ease of talking about something invented on the spot, unlike what happens when he tells something that he lived in reality.

For example, if he does lie, he  may repeat the same thing over and over or give a lot of details about the situation. In that way, he would be trying to justify something unreal and would give himself up when he exceeded himself.

Emotional difficulties

Mother and daughter

A lying teenager may be experiencing emotional difficulties. For example,  low self-esteem, a stage of depression or stress, or a strong feeling of loneliness. When lying, he will try to show himself as a person he is not, but would like to be. Or, lie to protect your parents so they don’t worry about it and so you can solve your problems yourself.

As parents, it is critical to detect our teenagers’ lies in time. Only in this way will we be  able to avoid negative behavior  that greatly damages the relationship and trust of the family and, also, the young person in their  social relationships.

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