How To Take Care Of Teeth In Summer

During the summer, you are more likely to have tooth sensitivity. In addition, activities outside the home make frequent oral hygiene difficult. How to take care of teeth in summer?
How to take care of teeth in summer

Do you want to know how to take care of your teeth in summer? Summer is a time when we go out more, go on vacation, eat out, eat ice cream, soft drinks, sweets, etc. That’s why we don’t pay much attention to proper oral hygiene.

We often forget to brush our teeth or floss several times a day. Fortunately, there are some tips that can help us take care of our teeth next summer. Put them into practice!

tooth sensitivity

The most frequent pathology in summer is tooth sensitivity, due to the consumption of cold and sweet foods. Tooth hypersensitivity is a sensation that  occurs when the cold stimulus reaches the dental pulp. This can happen for several reasons, such as:

  • Tooth root exposure due to gum retraction.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Acidic foods that corrode enamel.
  • Dentin exposure.
  • Enamel wear.
  • Very aggressive brushing, which causes abrasion on the enamel.
  • Bruxism.
woman eating ice cream
The consumption of cold foods in summer can cause problems such as increased sensitivity in the teeth.

How does the stimulus reach the dental pulp?

Dentin is composed of a microtubular structure. The microtubules are oriented to allow the stimulus to easily reach the pulp from the dentin surface. This dentin is naturally protected by a superficial layer, either enamel, if it is the crown, or cementum, if it is the root.

When exposed for any of the reasons mentioned above, the stimulus passes through the dentin microtubules and reaches the pulp, where the nerves receive this information and send it in the form of pain or puncture.

How is sensitivity diagnosed?

Pain always appears when stimulated by sweet, cold, acidic or hot foods. Also when breathing cold air or brushing teeth. It is an intense pain of short duration. If the pain is persistent, it is best to seek dental care to get an accurate diagnosis.

How can we treat her?

Correcting bad eating habits and learning to brush correctly are the two key points. There is also a wide range of pharmaceutical products, such as toothpastes, gels and mouthwashes, to professionally treat the condition. These products should always be recommended by the dentist.

Tips for taking care of your teeth in summer

woman brushing her teeth
Ensuring proper oral hygiene is the key to taking care of your teeth in summer. It is essential to brush and floss several times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, thus maintaining the amount of saliva needed to properly preserve your teeth and prevent dryness of the mucosa and lips.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, prioritizing the intake of vegetables, fruits and fish. Try to avoid, or at least reduce as much as possible, the consumption of other products, such as meat and heavy meals.
  • Try to reduce your consumption of soft drinks as they contain a lot of sugar and are acidic. These two conditions can damage your teeth.
  • Beware of trauma when playing sports or outdoor activities. Use a mouthguard whenever necessary and, in case of injury, see a dentist urgently.
  • Take care of oral hygiene. Although we are on vacation, brushing is required after every meal, the use of mouthwash and floss is also relevant. Don’t forget that the most important brushing of the day is the one before going to bed. Each brushing should last approximately 2 minutes.
  • Chewing gum without sugar. If you can’t brush your teeth, chewing sugar-free gum helps clean them mechanically. It also increases the amount of saliva. It is best to opt for products sweetened with xylitol, as this substance prevents the development of cavities. However, it is wrong to think that gum replaces brushing.
  • Beware of chlorine. The chlorine present in pool water affects the pH of the mouth, helping to demineralize the enamel. To combat this effect, the best solution is to use a fluoride paste and a specific mouthwash recommended by the dentist.


To take care of your teeth in summer, it  is important to pay attention to oral hygiene habits and all factors that can cause sensitivity. Also, try to maintain good eating habits and take preventive measures when performing activities that expose you to injury.

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