How To Remove Split Ends From Hair Without Losing Length

Did you know that diet is essential to break the split ends? This way you will protect and strengthen your hair from the inside out.
How to remove split ends of hair without losing length

Bad hair is anyone’s nightmare. Also, in a world so changeable and full of work and obligations, time can be an issue when it comes to hair care.

One of the main torments of any person is the split ends of the hair, which consists of the ends splitting in two.

How to remove split ends of hair without losing length

1. Follow your hairdresser’s recommendation

The first thing you should do is follow the recommendations of many hairdressers and  cut the ends of your hair every 28 days.  This is a formula that many people religiously follow and it provides very good results. Cutting the ends allows you to keep the same length and eliminate the dreaded split ends.

There are many types of cuts and new instruments that allow you not to lose the length of your hair. Your hairdresser will know how to eliminate split ends of hair without cutting more than necessary.

In addition, once the cut is made, the professional can indicate the best chemical methods and  treatments to avoid this common ailment  among people.

2. Natural moisturizing treatments

If you are not one of those people who frequent beauty salons, you can try treatments that moisturize and restore the vitality of your hair. Nowadays there are many rinses and hair masks, but  natural products will always be the most suitable for hair care.

Hair hydration


  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • The pulp of 1 avocado

What to do?

If you’re new to this type of natural treatment, a blend that includes honey and avocado is a good way to start.

  • Mix the two ingredients together until you get an even consistency. Depending on the length of your hair, you may have to add more.
  • Apply the mixture after using your usual shampoo and let it work for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Another way to moisturize your hair and eliminate split ends naturally is to use pumpkin and banana:


  • 1 cup of pumpkin puree (200 g)
  • 1 banana
  • Olive oil.

What to do?

  • Combine the 3 ingredients and apply the mixture to damp hair.
  • Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse with plenty of water. You will get hydration and vitality benefits.

3. Water and conditioner

Using the conditioner after each hydration and after applying the shampoo is also a way to eliminate split ends.

Moisturizing is essential to prevent hair from becoming a mess. Also, you should  let your hair dry outside without using flat irons or blow dryers.  The use of this type of utensil takes the strength and vitality of the threads.

Also remember that water is always the answer: always wet your hair before combing it. If you get your hair wet and comb it carefully, you’ll avoid the appearance of split ends.

4. A good diet

Our hair is made of collagen, just like our skin. Therefore,  their good appearance depends largely on our diet.

Try to consume lots of water and foods with high nutritional potential, such as fruits and vegetables. The success of any beauty treatment also depends on your diet.

In this way, the important thing is not only to look good, but also to feel good.

Healthy eating

5. Protect and moisturize your hair

Regular use of products that provide hydration and vitality and avoid exposure to heat and sun helps prevent the appearance of unpleasant split ends of hair. It’s all about prevention:  wear sunscreens, hats, avoid exposure to the sun in very hot hours and comb your hair daily.

These are very effective ways to prevent split ends.

When applying these hair care routines to your daily life, you will notice big and notable changes both in terms of aesthetics and related to hair health.

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