How To Relieve Indigestion Naturally With Medicinal Plants

Everyone at some point is looking for some remedy to relieve indigestion naturally. Find out which are the best medicinal plants.
How to relieve indigestion naturally with medicinal plants

In this article we share what are the best medicinal plants to relieve indigestion naturally, as well as some simple and effective tips. In this way, we can alleviate digestive discomfort with infusions or extracts of vegetable origin.

How to relieve indigestion naturally

1. Ginger

First of all, ginger is a medicinal food that we should consume daily, thanks to its numerous healthy properties. While it’s a great diuretic and depurative, in this case we’ll focus on its ability to alleviate indigestion.

Eating ginger, fresh and dry, is effective in reducing discomfort such as flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhea, in addition to being a great option in case of gastric ulcer. We can drink it as an infusion or as a juice. Also, add it to foods to improve digestion and enhance the flavor of the recipe.

2. Green tea

Green tea to relieve indigestion

Second, we are referring to an ancient medicinal plant that is very popular around the world today. We are talking about green tea, an antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory, thanks to its catechin content.

Green tea is a medicinal plant that promotes good digestion, as it combats gas and reduces the feeling of a heavy stomach. In addition, regular consumption also helps prevent tooth decay and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

About green tea we have to consider its caffeine content, which makes it a stimulating infusion. In addition, it can prevent the absorption of iron, so it is better to take it away from meals.

3. Mint

Mint is a usual infusion to relieve indigestion. In fact, many people consume it after a meal, often combined with mint. Studies show that it has the property of relaxing the gastrointestinal tract.

This plant, in addition to being consumed as an infusion, also offers us its essential oil as a topical and oral remedy. However, in its pure state, it is very irritating and should always be applied with caution, properly diluted and in the recommended dose. Also, it may not be beneficial for people with gastroesophageal reflux.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon to relieve indigestion naturally

Lastly, cinnamon is another medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as a remedy for many conditions. Among them, it helps to reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, lower blood sugar levels and stimulate our body naturally.

As for the digestive system, cinnamon can help relieve indigestion and discomfort caused by gastric ulcers. It also promotes liver function and prevents intestinal parasites or Helicobacter pylori , which is so common today.

On a medicinal and digestive level, we recommend that you opt for the Ceylon cinnamon variety. We can take it in an infusion, extract or add it to our daily recipes. It is very common for all types of sweets and desserts, but it is also an excellent seasoning in our stews, meats, sauces, stir-fries, etc.

Tips To Relieve Indigestion Naturally

Finally, in addition to taking these medicinal plants regularly to relieve indigestion, we can also follow these tips if we often suffer from digestive discomfort:

  • Chew your food well and try to eat in a relaxed and unhurried environment.
  • Don’t combine too many different foods in the same meal.
  • Skip dessert at lunch and leave sweet foods for breakfast or a snack.
  • If the discomfort lasts and becomes more and more intense, go to the doctor to rule out possible food intolerances.

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