How To Get A Child Interested In Museums

Going to a museum with children doesn’t have to be a utopia. Discover the best tips for your children to enjoy a different and educational tour.
How to get a child interested in museums

Would you like to get your kids interested in museums? So don’t stop reading this article. Here are some practical tips for the little ones to enjoy an educational and different family activity!

Museums are spaces for science, art and knowledge, which help to awaken children’s vocations and interests. Increasingly, there are museums with interactive trends to attract the little ones with various activities. Cheer up and encourage the children’s interest through the example.

Why visit museums with children?

Museum tours with the family

Now, as parents, we shouldn’t give up, because going to a museum with children can be a unique experience! A museum presents a perfect learning opportunity for the small children in the family (and not so young either).

There, it is possible to enjoy a total immersion in a theme and discoveries that are the order of the day. Of course, it will be necessary to awaken children’s interest in museums so that they can learn and, above all, have fun.

Create an interest in museums in children

Below, we want to present some practical tips to arouse your child’s curiosity and interest in visiting museums. In addition to being an educational activity, it integrates the entire family.

1. Choose the theme of the museum well

First, to arouse interest in museums it is necessary to choose the topic correctly. If your child likes to draw, why not take him to MASP, in São Paulo? If you like sports, you can visit the Football Museum and so on.

Think carefully about the topics that catch your child’s attention and find a museum that focuses on that interest. In this way, the child is more likely to be fascinated by the visit. Today, there are many museums that are perfect to spark the interest of children who can’t be quiet for a minute. Find out if there are any in your city!

2. Talk to your kids

family activities

On many occasions, children deny it without knowing the cause, but simply because a friend told them something about it. Think about it: Does your child know what a museum is and what they’ll find there? If he’s never been, it’s impossible for him to know!

Explain to your children what they can expect from a museum, how they should behave, and what can and cannot be done there. Talking to them is very important for them to really understand what the activity you are proposing is.

3. Share experiences with them

Empathy is extremely important at every stage of our lives and, of course, with our children. Tell children a story about yourself in a museum and try to pique their interest. If your child visited a museum and got bored, you can share with him a similar experience you had and then another one where you had fun!

Putting ourselves in the children’s shoes helps us foster the parent-child relationship. Then they will feel understood and will listen to us and take our opinions into account.

4. Prepare the visit

Interest in museums depends a lot on preparation before arriving at the site. To do this, offer your kids a few possible museums to visit and then focus on the theme. In other words, if you visit a train museum, read stories about the topic beforehand, watch a movie with them, and encourage their questions about the topic.

You can even prepare activities to do at the museum:

  • Bring black and white images for the children to complete with color and details of what they see in the museum.
  • Prepare questions about what they will see.
  • Print a sheet with pictures of the paintings, trains, dinosaurs or whatever they see to mark what they find.

Pay a visit to the site of the chosen museum. In fact, nowadays, many offer images to print and thus encourage children’s activities to make the visit more enjoyable.

5. Create an adventure

Outings strengthen the bond between parents and children

Visiting the museum does not have to be an isolated outing. Rather, prepare an adventure along with the visit. For example, going out to eat somewhere right afterward, visiting the museum together and, when they go out, taking a walk in the park or going to a playground . That way, you’ll help your kids relax without the “pressure” of going to the museum.

6. Avoid self-expectations

Do not plan to spend the entire afternoon at the museum. It’s important that your kids feel comfortable, and when they show signs of boredom, go home and that’s it! ​​ Remember: your children’s comfort and pleasure above all.

7. Full stomach and empty bladder

It may seem obvious, but your kids will enjoy the activity more if they aren’t hungry or want to go to the bathroom. So make sure your main needs are met before entering the museum.

8. Arm yourself with patience

The purpose of this tour is to enjoy with the family. Think that for your kids it’s a new experience; so be patient to answer their questions, get their attention when they start to get bored, and rest whenever they need it.

We hope we have helped you create an interest in museums in your children. Try visiting your city’s museums with the little ones and enjoy an educational activity with the family!

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