How To Explain Death To Children?

Death is a complex reality, difficult to accept, and it can be even more complicated when we try to explain it to children. Discover some recommendations regarding the topic below.
How to explain death to children?

Not all adults know how to handle this situation, but have you ever wondered how to explain death to children or how they feel about it?

they may also feel pain over the death of a loved one.

if it’s a close relative, the scenario changes.

The age of children and the understanding of death

Studies on the subject children can experience a sense of presence and absence.

she has not yet formed the capacity for operational thinking,

a sensorimotor development predominates

Other research on child grief still think that death is temporary and reversible.

Adults look for a way to communicate what happened trying to prevent children from feeling pain

girl crying
Children may think that death is temporary and reversible. Therefore, it is difficult to explain what happens when a family member dies.

children and questions

she will not understand three basic factors:

  • Death is an irreversible and definitive fact.
  • The vital functions of the deceased person are completely absent permanently.
  • It’s a universal thing, which one day will come to everyone.

So children can ask

How to explain death to children?

may also be afraid of being abandoned

sad girl lying on the floor
Young children can experience feelings that are difficult to understand when faced with the loss of a loved one. Therefore, we must constantly support them and resolve their doubts.

  • convey calm
  • Allow the child to express their fears in a safe, quiet and uninterrupted place.
  • Avoid the following phrases: “He is sleeping” or “He took a journey beyond”
  • Give clear answers.
  • need more specific answers about the concrete fact of the person’s physical absence
  • take the time to listen and clarify.
  • Explain to the child that their actions did not result in the death of their loved one in order to avoid feeling guilty.
  • not all people who get sick die give you security about your health
  • the most important thing for the little one is that you apply these questions with love and care

do not hesitate to consult a psychologist for advice on how to handle this event.

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