Home Remedies That Cure Dry Cough

Do you have a dry cough that won’t go away? Read this article and discover some home remedies to treat it.

When affected by a lung infection, we can have bouts of dry cough, which is a defense used by the body to help eliminate the mucus that is obstructing our airways.

However, if the cough takes a long time to disappear as the days go by, it is a clear sign that something is not right.

These symptoms must be taken seriously and cannot go unnoticed as they can complicate our health. If after trying the home remedies we recommend the problem persists, see a doctor as soon as possible.

What are the causes of dry cough?

The causes of dry cough can be varied. It may be that you have had a crisis with very strong phlegm and that is how the cough started. You may be under the influence of an irritating substance, such as cigarette smoke. It can also be an allergy, asthma or the use of medication such as those used to control blood pressure. Or perhaps you live in environments with very dry air. In addition, gastric reflux also tends to cause dry cough.

have hot drinks

The cough manifests itself due to an irritated throat. The best way to eliminate this problem is to drink hot beverages such as: soups, ginger teas, lemon or mint. These foods are the most effective in combating this problem, as they open the airways and help clear mucus.

It is necessary to drink the water in sufficient quantity and at room temperature. It’s also great to take hot baths before bed.

The onion

Chop the onion and add two tablespoons of honey in a bowl and let it rest for half an hour to release all its juice.

A spoonful can be taken several times a day, like a syrup, which certainly won’t be very pleasant, but it will be very effective, both for a dry cough and for fighting flu symptoms.

Gargle with salt

It is very effective against dry cough. In half a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of salt and gargle with this water. This is a very simple, cheap and effective home remedy, and it can be used several times a day.

the grape

Grape is excellent for improving lung capacity, as well as being a very effective natural expectorant. You will be able to consume it for several days and you will notice the difference. You can also make a juice and sweeten it with honey to drink several times a day. In addition to being very effective in eliminating dry cough, it is very refreshing and tasty.

the almonds

Almonds are an excellent home remedy to treat and consequently put an end to unpleasant dry cough. The way to prepare this remedy is very simple.

Soak seven almonds overnight, the next day, peel them off and mash them into a paste. Then add 20 g butter and 20 g sugar. Mix everything very well. Take a teaspoon twice a day for as long as you have a dry cough or for about three days in a row.

dry cough

It never hurts to remember that you can’t try all the remedies at the same time. Start with one of them; if it doesn’t work, try another one until you find one that works well.

You should also keep in mind the recommendation we made at the beginning of this article, where we said that even trying each of these home remedies, if the dry cough persists and takes your peace, the best solution is to consult a trusted doctor, as it can if it is a much more serious health problem.

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