Healthier Hours To Make Every Meal

Since our bodies don’t burn nutrients overnight, it’s convenient to have a light dinner. But breakfast must be complete, to give us enough energy.
Healthier hours to make every meal

Losing or gaining weight does not depend so much on what you eat, but on the times you eat. Although it is not a matter of following a strict schedule, other than on diets prescribed by experts, there are fundamental rules when it comes to making every meal.

In this article, see some recommendations on the most appropriate times to eat each food, at specific times of the day.

It’s healthier to eat at least five meals a day

The time when he was educated to eat three times a day is officially over.

Currently, experts unanimously maintain that people should eat at least five times throughout the day.

This includes traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner plus two snacks between meals.

The above is complemented by another idea that is deeply rooted in the medical field, which states that the intervals between one meal and another can never be longer than three hours.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will have problems with overweight or the impossibility of losing excess pounds.

The reason for this is that once this time has passed, the body will notice that it is not getting a sufficient supply of energy and will begin to store as much energy as it can.

This will slow down the metabolism and the body will not burn calories properly.

Breakfast: the most important meal of the day

Cereals for the meal of the day

The first meal of the day must serve to replenish all the energy used during the hours of sleep, as well as to prepare the body for the journey of physical and mental effort that you are about to undertake.

Experts recommend not skipping any meal, and this rule, in the case of breakfast, is fundamental. Therefore, it is necessary to start the day ingesting the necessary nutrients.

It is understood that the healthiest breakfast consists of a dairy food, fruit and cereals.

However, this is not a closed rule. As for times, breakfast should be taken as early as possible, never after 10 am.

the midday meal

Experts recommend that the best time to have the “third” (not the second) meal of the day is between 1 pm and 3 pm.

Consuming super caloric foods after 3 pm is not recommended, because of the pounds that the body can accumulate, as the digestion process becomes less efficient.

At night, you need to prepare for bed

Just as breakfast should be generous, to fuel the body with energy for the journey ahead, dinner should be the lightest of all meals.

It’s healthier to dine early and fish or lean meat is recommended, accompanied by some dairy (provided we don’t have any gastric problems).

After 10 pm, if we eat any food, we run a great risk of gaining weight, in addition to causing nightmares and insomnia.

About sweets, fruits, coffee and snacks

Sweets and desserts can always be in the crosshairs when we talk about dieting, losing weight or getting fat.

  • There are those who assure that they should be removed from the menu without pity.
  • But there are also less extreme options, which maintain that they can be consumed, in moderation, away from the three main meals of the day.

In the case of sweets, it is recommended to consume them in the early morning hours, since before noon the body processes carbohydrates much better.

Another good time is right before starting any physical activity: it will provide energy to the body, without straining the stomach.

One piece of advice that is gaining in popularity is to eat a piece of fruit before meals and not as a dessert. It’s a good way to lessen the feeling of hunger and also get a satiating effect.

Hydrate well: just as important as eating

Woman drinking water before meal

There is no healthy diet if you don’t consume enough water.

Experts also define some moments for this:

  • Two glasses of water as soon as we wake up, to purify the system.
  • A glass half an hour before main meals, as well as before taking a shower and going to bed.

In total, you need to drink a liter and a half to two liters of water a day. There are several free apps that can help you reach that goal and adopt this healthy habit. Check out!

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