Fruits Suitable For Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Fruits are rich in vitamin C and can help kill bacteria in the bladder. By increasing the consumption of citrus, we will also promote intestinal health.
Fruits suitable for treating urinary tract infections

Do you suffer from urinary infections frequently? In addition to the treatment that the doctor prescribes, it is always advised to follow some rules in your diet, where fruits can be your allies. Want to know which are the most recommended to treat urinary tract infections? Keep reading.

Benefits of Fruits to Treat Urinary Infection

Urinary infections are very common in women. We tend to suffer from this problematic inflammation of the bladder, we feel a burning sensation when urinating, pressure in the belly and tiredness which is often also evident with a fever.

Has it ever happened to you? As you already know, cystitis tends to be treated with antibiotics, a treatment that the doctor will prescribe and that must be followed. Here at Melhor com Saúde, we will help you by informing you of some tips that may allow you to complement your medication, with fruits being an excellent element.

But why are fruits so good? Basically because they are rich in vitamin C and certain natural elements that will help reduce the bacteria present in the bladder. Fruits are ideal and will do you a lot of good.

We will also make a simple list of the series of strategies that can be followed, besides, of course, your antibiotic-based medication :

  • Drink lots of fluids : they clear the bladder and urinary tract.
  • Chamomile, cinnamon or rosemary infusions are also ideal as they reduce inflammation.
  • Consume foods that have antibiotic properties. Do you know what they are? Probably yes. It’s garlic, ginger, parsley… You can make afternoon ginger infusions, or parsley decoctions by adding 5 sprigs to a glass of water. Bring to a boil and then strain. It will do very well for your urinary problem.
  • Diuretic foods : prevent fluid retention and help urinate. Examples: asparagus, cucumber, celery, beetroot.
  • Avoid foods that can irritate your bladder, such as coffee or green tea.
  • Avoid foods with refined flours, yeasts and sweets. All of this will increase fluid retention and will not help reduce infection.
  • Drink once a day a glass of water with a spoon of dissolved baking soda. It will help to treat the urinary tract infection.

Fruits suitable for treating urinary tract infections

1. The blueberries

Do you like the blueberries? They can be easily purchased at your usual store or supermarket. Always consider blueberries when you have a problem with your urinary system, as doctors and nutritionists always talk about their great antibiotic and antioxidant properties.

They increase the acidity of the urine, thereby eliminating all kinds of bacteria, in addition to preventing them from getting stuck in the urinary tract.

As advice: do not buy juices prepared in supermarkets, as they lack their active ingredients, the ones that really cure and, besides, these juices have a lot of sugar. It’s better to buy the blueberries and make the juice at home.

2. The papaya

Papaya is a great fruit to fight urinary tract infections

Papaya is another example of a fruit rich in acidity capable of killing bacteria and treating urinary infections. It’s a natural treasure of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Another element to consider is that papaya is a good fiber-rich detoxifier; all of this plus its optimal level of antioxidants helps us clean the bladder, intestines and colon.

Papaya also helps us, thanks to its enzymes, to reduce inflammation and to heal. Do not hesitate to use papaya as it is very therapeutic in case of a urinary tract infection.

3. Orange and lemon juice to treat urinary tract infection

Orange and lemon juice helps to end urinary tract infection

As you already know, few fruits are as rich in vitamin C and antioxidants as oranges and lemons. It would be excellent, for example, if in the morning you could prepare a juice with two oranges and half a lemon.

Drink little by little and without filtering; the pulp also serves to clean the intestines. Just one natural orange and lemon juice a day, then complement your dose of fruit with those listed here.

4. The benefits of pineapple

Did you know that pineapple has an anti-inflammatory enzyme that speeds up recovery in case of urinary inflammation? Therefore, it is a medicinal fruit that is worth consuming every day, in the form you want, in delicious salads with other fruits or in juice.

5. Red grapes to treat urinary infections

Red grapes are good for treating urinary tract infections

Red grapes are rich natural treasures that take care of our urinary system, almost as intensely as blueberries. They have a pleasant flavor and are very visually attractive; an ideal fruit to be consumed every day and more often in case of a urinary tract infection.

They are rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation, are diuretics, and give us great vitamins. Enjoy!


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