Find Out How To Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids

One of the most effective ways to avoid the discomfort of hemorrhoids is related to our diet. If we consume foods rich in fiber, we will facilitate the evacuation of feces 

Bleeding hemorrhoids are very uncomfortable and painful. In case you didn’t know, a large percentage of the population suffers from this problem or will suffer at some point in their lives, especially women after childbirth or after 35 years of age.

Want to know the best  natural treatments to treat bleeding hemorrhoids? So keep reading this article.

Treatment options for bleeding hemorrhoids

Even though most of the time bleeding in your stools or drops of blood on your underwear reduce or disappear in a matter of hours or a couple of days, it is an unpleasant, uncomfortable and painful situation.

The itching can become unbearable and, for this reason, we look for medicines or treatments that help us reduce the symptoms.

Take a look at these tips to speed up the healing or healing process of  bleeding hemorrhoids:

drink lots of water

Water not only serves to urinate and eliminate all waste and toxins, but also to soften the stool. In addition,  water makes the fecal cake move faster  through the intestines as it lubricates the walls.

It’s good to know that hard, dry stools irritate and tear the hemorrhoidal tissue and can cause pain and bleeding.

For this reason, we advise you to drink at least two liters of water a day. If you don’t like this liquid, you can combine it with natural juices or infusions.

Soft drinks, coffee and alcoholic beverages do not count.

avoid constipation

Not being able to go to the bathroom and having hemorrhoids that bleed is not a good combination. Your diet will need to include a good amount of whole grains, grains, dried fruits (especially raisins) and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

This way you will prevent constipation and not feel pain when defecating.

When hemorrhoids bleed, the worst thing that can happen is to suffer from constipation, as the force you use to evacuate doesn’t help at all.

Take the time to evacuate and remember that  pressure on the rectal canal can do more damage  to bleeding hemorrhoids.

Don’t repress the urge to go to the bathroom

Person with hemorrhoids in the bathroom

Many believe that by containing or reducing the amount of time you stool, bleeding hemorrhoids will heal faster and stop bleeding. However, this is a mistake.

The reason is simple: the  more the body accumulates feces, the more difficult it will be to eliminate them without pain  or discomfort.

Also, this is not good for your health, as you will be storing toxins in your body that can lead to illness.

Even if you are suffering a lot of pain from hemorrhoids, be brave and go to the bathroom. If you postpone this situation, then it will be more unpleasant and, above all, more painful.

Recovery will take longer and you will be more vulnerable to more successive bleeds.

Reduce your intake of harmful foods

Salt is one of the worst enemies for bleeding hemorrhoids,  as it causes fluid retention.

What is the relationship between hemorrhoids and edema? When the body swells up due to the accumulation of water, the blood vessels in the rectal canal become inflamed.

The consequence of this is bleeding, pain and discomfort when going to the bathroom or sitting down.

We advise to reduce the consumption of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, fatty or sugary foods and refined flour. All of these foods produce harder, drier fecal material that will be difficult to pass without pain.

On the contrary, the condition will improve if you eat a balanced diet (not only when hemorrhoids bleed, but at all times) that includes lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Try to include all food groups in your meals  and eat small amounts.

keep hygiene


When hemorrhoids bleed, itching increases and so does the possibility of infection. Every time you go to the bathroom, wash yourself with cold or lukewarm water.

Avoid toilet paper, as it irritates the area and can make bleeding worse. Prevent dried blood from lingering on the area or underwear for a long time.

A good way to keep the area clean is to take sitz baths. Just submerge the hemorrhoids in a container of warm water and leave for a few minutes until the discomfort is relieved.

Do not use towels to dry yourself as this will be the same as with toilet paper.

change posture

Sitting for long hours is not good for hemorrhoids (both bleed or not). If your job requires being in front of a computer all day, get up for a few minutes every hour and, if you can, walk around, even if it’s around the office.

This will facilitate the circulation of blood and prevent it from accumulating in the rectal area, which could increase pain and discomfort.

Just in case,  we don’t recommend doing very strong exercises  like lifting weights, doing  spinning  or playing tennis. On these days, prefer more relaxing physical activities, such as swimming, yoga or walking.

use natural therapies

  • Aloe vera is one of the best options available to you. Open a leaf of the plant lengthwise, remove the thorns and place it in the anus, so that the gelatinous part is in contact with the bleeding hemorrhoids.

In a matter of minutes, you will begin to feel relief.

  • Ice is another interesting and effective option if you feel very uncomfortable or itchy.

Don’t forget to wrap the ice cube in a cloth so it doesn’t come into direct contact with your skin (you can burn it).

  • When making sitz baths in water, you can mix in a scoop  of Epsom salts which help the wound to heal faster. 


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