Dried Fruit Strengthens Bones And Fights Tiredness

Dried fruits are a healthy and tasty option that should not be missing from any diet. Although they do not contain water and are dry, they provide us with a high amount of minerals and proteins, perfect for starting the day with a lot of energy.
Dried fruits strengthen bones and fight fatigue

It is a perfect choice for our breakfast, ideal to  avoid constipation  and to  strengthen our bones  thanks to its high content of calcium and zinc. Dried fruits are excellent health allies, so always consume good doses.

In this article, we offer all the information you need to know how to enjoy the benefits of dried fruit.

Do dried fruits make you fat?

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It’s a question you will ask right away. The reason? Many people tend to avoid the consumption of dried fruits because they think they contain  too much sugar. 

It is true that dried fruits have a somewhat high portion of this component (like raisins), but when they are dehydrated, the concentration of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins is much higher and, therefore, they become very healthy options that we shouldn’t let it slip away.

To better understand the benefits offered, consider the following  information:

  • Dehydrated foods contain large amounts of nutrients and provide us with  4 times more energy  than when they are fresh.
  • Fruits are assimilated much better in our body, and they are satiating. This makes us need to consume a smaller amount of dried fruit to feel full.
  • Many people usually include dried fruits in their  weight loss diets, as they  facilitate the intestinal transit, help with digestion and with 100 grams we are already satisfied, which avoids snacking during the day, obtaining, in addition, great energy.
  • The secret of dried fruit is to  consume the right amount (100 grams per day). In this way, we obtain basic nutrients for our bodies and bones, also combating chronic tiredness.

Benefits of dried fruit for our bones

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It wasn’t long ago that we explained on our blog how dried figs  can help treat osteoporosis. This data is something that we must take into account, especially women, because, as is known, we are the ones who suffer the most loss of bone mass.

Dried fruits are healthy allies that we can start to introduce more often into our diet, from  raisins, dates or apricots to raspberries.

All are delicious! In addition, they are a great option for breakfast and to combine with dishes and meats.

Want to know everything dried fruit can do for you?

  • They are a natural source of  iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc,  a natural treasure trove of benefits for your bones and for fighting osteoporosis.
  • Prevent some degenerative diseases  due to their high content of vitamins E, C and antioxidants.
  • They improve digestion, take care of our intestines and prevent the  accumulation of toxins  or harmful elements in our body.
  • They are a  natural source of potassium  and B vitamins, ideal for our bones.
  • Because they do not contain sodium  and are very rich in micronutrients, they allow us to reduce blood pressure.
  • Dehydrated fruit is rich in  good fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6.
  • They are ideal for fighting anxiety and appetite.
  • Due to its high nutrient content, many athletes often include this delicacy in their diets to  obtain energy  and improve physical performance.
  • It is customary to consider dried fruits as “capsules of energy and optimism”, ideal for all those women who have entered  menopause  and who feel more tired and lacking in spirit. In addition, as this is the period in which we suffer most from the loss of calcium from our bones, it would be very important to eat about 100 grams of dried figs daily, as it is the most calcium-rich dehydrated fruit.

The best dried fruits you can eat

As we have already said, the right and adequate amount that  should be consumed per day is a portion of 100 grams,  approximately, that is, what fits more or less in the palm of the hand.

You can vary the fruits according to your tastes, as they are a good option as a snack between meals or as an original touch to be included in recipes.

In any case, dried fruits are always a natural resource that will do a lot for your health and worth consuming in moderation to get the full benefits. Make a note of which options are  best.

1.Dry figs

dried figs

They strengthen our bones  and act as laxatives. A very suitable way to consume them is for breakfast, introducing in the center a walnut or a couple of almonds.

It’s delicious and a natural source of energy, calcium and magnesium.

2. Dried cherries

dried cherries

They are the richest fruits in fiber, therefore, the most efficient in  combating constipation. In addition, they contain a high level of iron and B vitamins.

3. Dried dates

dried dates

They are ideal for increasing  concentration and mental alertness. In addition, dates are rich in magnesium and calcium, and are also very helpful in helping us sleep at night. Want to know how? Just eat 5 dates half an hour before bed.

4. Dried blueberries

Dried blueberries are best for regulating bad cholesterol, improving our  heart health  and benefiting from a high antioxidant content. Want to know the best way to consume them?

With a good cup of oatmeal or mixed with unsweetened plain white yoghurt. Delicious!

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