Do You Know How To Deal With Cramps?

They happen suddenly, cause agonizing pain and are often slow to go away. Check out the article and learn some interesting ways to deal with cramps.
Do you know how to deal with cramps?

Cramps happen when we least expect it, that is, unintentionally. This involuntary action hits the muscles, contracting them.

The pain they cause can be of short or long duration and affect one or more muscles in different parts of the body.

In addition, these contractions are called spasms and the lower limbs such as knees, feet, fingers, legs, thighs, ankles and calves are the most affected.

Are Cramps Dangerous?

When it comes to cramp, the danger is related to the position in which we remain for long periods of time, and are also caused by excessive physical effort.

Just use common sense, and don’t hurt your joints by putting too much pressure on your muscles in order to contract for a long time. Another factor that triggers them is the family history, that is, if someone from the same family has had problems with cramps, a relative will probably suffer, so the care is redoubled.

Athletes are at risk when active. This happens, for example, in sports such as swimming and others that are extreme, performed high up, such as climbing.

Thus, individuals who practice such activities and suffer from cramps can drown or fall from a height, even resulting in death.

Feet of jogging person
Athletes and extreme sports lovers must be extra careful with cramps.

Is there immediate relief?

The word is even relief, as it definitely takes some time to pass. For example, when this problem occurs in the fingers it is necessary to stretch it slowly. When feeling cramps in the legs, it is important not to be nervous, as there is even a home remedy for this.

Foods That Help Fight Cramps

Some foods help to relieve and end the pain caused. Also, such foods are suitable for any type of cramp. Thus, d among them are:

  • Beetroot;
  • Cress;
  • Banana;
  • Honey;
  • Chamomile, lemongrass or lemongrass teas, which are calming.


Watercress and beetroot can be used as juices; bananas should be consumed daily; in addition, honey needs to be consumed every day as well, and if possible, substitute sugar for it; and chamomile teas, among other calming teas, help relieve tension, and can be taken daily.

Causes of Cramps

Some factors that facilitate their emergence are:

  • Excessive consumption of phosphorus (contributes to calcium malabsorption);
  • muscle fatigue;
  • Poor circulation;
  • Physical effort;
  • Bone fracture;
  • Dehydration;
  • Hepatical cirrhosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Some drugs that treat other problems;
  • Hemodialysis, etc.


Once they happen, the first step is to stretch the affected limb. With the help of the hands in the opposite direction to the aching muscles.

Finally, gentle massages with hot water compresses alleviate pain caused by cramps.

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