Do You Know Birdseed Milk? Find Reasons To Start Taking It

In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, birdseed milk favors the elimination of liquids, and for that reason it can be an excellent ally for weight loss. Also, it does not contain lactose.
Do you know birdseed milk?  Discover reasons to start taking it

When you think of birdseed, the image that pops into your mind is probably that of some birds feeding on a handful of this tiny seed. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about birdseed milk.

What many don’t know is that birdseed is very rich in nutrients and can offer a multitude of benefits when consumed by humans.

The most common way to ingest birdseed seeds is through their milk, and that’s what we’ll talk about in this article.

We will share some information about birdseed milk, its benefits for our body and the very simple recipe so that it can be made at home.

If you are looking for a natural food with several properties beneficial to health, which can even help you lose weight and effectively replace the cow’s milk present in our daily lives, be sure to check it out.

Nutritional value of canary seed

Birdseed seeds are rich in nutrients that are important for our health. 16.6% of its composition is protein, while 11.8% of it is made of fiber.

In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory enzymes that improve the functioning of our internal organs.

In addition, canary seed seeds are also a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid, important elements for the fulfillment of several functions in our body.

Benefits of birdseed milk


These are some of the main benefits that the consumption of birdseed milk has to offer for our health and well-being:

  • It has a diuretic action and helps fight fluid retention in a natural way
  • Favors blood circulation in the body
  • Contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent premature aging
  • They have detoxifying action, helping to eliminate harmful toxins and waste
  • Contains essential amino acids and is a source of vegetable protein
  • It is able to help us in the weight loss process
  • Prevents urinary system infections
  • Reduces inflammation of internal organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas
  • Help treat diabetes
  • Helps to clear veins and arteries of harmful fats, helping to reduce cholesterol levels
  • Controls hypertension and prevents cardiovascular disease

How to prepare birdseed milk

When cooked, birdseed seeds lose their beneficial properties, so it is necessary to eat them in their raw form.

As this may not be a very pleasant option, the alternative that has become popular is the consumption of canary seed milk, which maintains its properties.

The recommendation is to drink milk twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, we should eat it on an empty stomach, right after waking up, and wait at least 30 minutes before consuming our regular breakfast (milk should not, under any circumstances, replace the main meal in the morning!).

At night, it is recommended that milk be the last thing eaten before bedtime.

Preparation is very simple, and you can do it in the morning very quickly, as we will show below.

Preparing bird's milk


  • 6 spoons of birdseed seeds (60 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare

  • Before bed, place the birdseed spoons in a pot of water and let it rest overnight.
  • The next morning, strain the water and place the seeds in a blender. Then add a liter of lukewarm water and beat everything very well, until you get an even consistency.
  • Strain the white liquid to remove excess husks. Filter them well, as they can cause some sort of intestinal discomfort if ingested. Ideally, use a cloth or handkerchief for this process.
  • Then, just drink the fresh birdseed milk.

Other recommendations

  • Do not mix sugar, honey or any other artificial sweetener to avoid interfering with its properties. On the other hand, you can use it to prepare delicious vitamins with the presence of fruits.
  • Birdseed milk does not contain lactose, as it is a vegetable milk and, therefore, will not cause intolerance to this substance or digestive problems.
  • It is a little more watery than cow’s milk, and therefore may cause some people to feel awkward. Its consistency is more similar to that of other vegetable milks, such as rice, almonds and soy.
  • Although it is a natural product and without the addition of chemical substances, it is recommended to consult your doctor before starting the consumption of birdseed milk.

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