Diet For Gastritis: Healthy Menus That Help

This plan low in fat, fiber and simple sugars facilitates the emptying of the stomach and decreases the production of acidity. Therefore, it is useful to reduce the symptoms and discomfort of gastritis.
Diet for gastritis: healthy menus that help

Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach walls and causes discomfort, acidity and even nausea and vomiting. People who suffer from chronic gastritis often avoid many foods for fear of illness. Therefore, in this article we will give advice on what a proper diet for gastritis should be like.

Keep reading because we’ll tell you more!

What are the causes of gastritis

One of the most common causes of gastritis is infection with a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. In developed countries this bacterium could be infecting 50% of the population, although only 15% of that amount would develop the disease.

This demonstrates that this disease is highly influenced by genetic or environmental factors (food, smoking, etc.). Anyway, this is not the only cause of gastritis, but there are others like:

  • Frequently and chronically taking certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Consuming too much alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • Autoimmune disorders such as pernicious anemia.
  • Stress or high anxiety, because it increases gastric acids and causes what is called nervous gastritis.
  • Abuse of abundant, heavy or spicy foods.

How should the diet for gastritis be?

The diet for gastritis consists of a nutritious and healthy diet in which those foods that “feel” best in the stomach are increased. In fact, those that can cause damage or that are irritating should be avoided.

Through a proper diet for the stomach it is possible to help improve digestion. Thus, we can reduce pain, inflammation and gastric discomfort. It is important to bear in mind that in the treatment of gastritis it is always necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions.

General dietary guidelines for gastritis

When preparing the menus for people with gastritis, it is important to take into account the following dietary advice:

  • Food should be sparse: if necessary, it is best to divide the portions and eat more often to avoid the feeling of “filling” in the stomach.
  • Increase your consumption of the most recommended foods for the stomach: potatoes, rice, carrots, pumpkin, boiled cabbage, apples, ripe bananas and olive oil.
  • Gentle cooking: prefer steamed, boiled foods. Also prefer purees, soups or creams. Avoid excessive sautéing, grilling, roasting or very dry or undercooked foods.
  • Avoid hot foods and drinks.
  • Drink water throughout the day.
Drinking plenty of water helps the gastritis diet to control gastritis

Examples of diet for gastritis

Remember that this diet could help reduce the discomfort caused by gastritis. However, it does not have a curative character.

For the breakfast

  • Semi-skimmed milk with sugar or yogurt
  • White bread with jam/biscuits/two slices of white bread with turkey breast
  • 1 tablespoon of low-fat white cheese.

for the morning snack

  • Fruit cooked or in melon, apple or grape compote/juice.

For the lunch

  • Starter : zucchini puree/boiled potatoes with Swiss chard/garden rice/white noodles with cooked ham, zucchini and eggplant.
  • Main course : skinless chicken thigh/ steak on the grill/ boiled hake/ baked whiting.
  • Dessert : ripe banana/ melon in compote/ roasted pumpkin/ cream cheese with sugar/ homemade cream made with skimmed milk.

for afternoon snack

  • Infusion with sugar and biscuits/ natural yoghurt/ a small fruit.

For dinner

  • Starter : boiled peas, carrots and potatoes/ mashed vegetables/ chicken soup with noodles/ borage ( borago officinalis ) with potatoes.
  • Main course : grilled chicken breast with steamed potatoes / York ham on the grill / grilled sole with boiled carrots / halibut in the oven / French tortilla or zucchini.
  • Dessert : baked apple/ ripe pear/ fresh cheese with marmalade/ vanilla flan.
Pears are an option for diet for gastritis

Tip: if you want to improve digestion you can increase the consumption of some infusion with digestive properties.

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