Did You Know That Lemon Peel Has Many Benefits? Discover Them!

Lemon peel also has digestive properties similar to lemon juice, and it can help us alleviate digestive problems such as gas or inflammation. It also favors peristaltic bowel movements.

Lemon is one of the most consumed citrus fruits in the world. However, most are still unaware of the uses and benefits of lemon peel. In this article, we’ll share several of them.

This fruit contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have been used for hundreds of therapeutic purposes since ancient times.

Juice is the most ingested part, by habit, because of its flavor and because it is easy to add to several homemade recipes; however, what many still do not know is that  a significant part of its properties is concentrated in its  bark, which almost everyone is used to throwing away.

This part of the lemon is estimated to contain between 5 and 10 times more vitamins than its juice. In addition, it can be more effective in fighting infections, eliminating fungus and replacing some beauty products.

Lemon Peel Supports Body Detoxification

Lemon peel helps to detoxify the body

Vitamin C, pectins and various acidic compounds in lemon peel have a cleansing effect that encourages cleansing in the body.

Its antioxidants fight the action of free radicals  and, in addition, exert a rejuvenating effect both internally and externally.

Improves digestion

Like juice, the rind has digestive qualities that can help treat a variety of stomach problems, such as gas, inflammation and pain.

But if that sounds like a little, it will be interesting to know that it also  improves bowel movement to prevent chronic disorders such as constipation.

protect the liver

Due to its purifying qualities, the bark can also  act as a support for liver cleansing. Its antioxidants protect this organ while driving the expulsion of substances that prevent it from performing its functions properly.

Protects the immune system

Because it contains up to 10 times more vitamin C than juice, its consumption is an excellent medicine to  boost the   body’s immune response and prevent disease.

Taking it regularly reduces the risk of common disorders such as:

  • The flu.
  • The cold.
  • The mucus.
  • Infections.
  • Other respiratory disorders.

Regulates blood pH

Blood acidity is one of the main triggers of chronic diseases. Thus, whole lemon (juice and rind) has been cataloged as one of the best alkaline foods to regulate blood pH.

smoothes dry skin

Areas of the body such as the elbows and knees tend to dry out easily due to the accumulation of dead cells. So, to better smooth these areas and improve their appearance in a short time, be sure to take advantage of the qualities of the lemon peel.


  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • 3 drops of lemon juice

What to do?

  • First, grate the lemon rind and then mix it with the baking soda and lemon drops until you get a paste.
  • Spread the product with gentle circular massage on the affected area and let it act for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse and then repeat application up to twice a week.

Disinfects kitchen surfaces

Lemon peel  concentrates important antibacterial agents that can be used to clean and disinfect dirty areas in the kitchen.

What to do?

  • First, spray the surface you want to clean with warm water, then rub a mixture of lemon rind and juice into the area.
  • Allow the mixture to act for 5 minutes and then wash it off with a damp cloth.

Protects against insects

Insects can invade the garden, kitchen and many areas of the house that we definitely do not want them to enter.

The solution? The essential oil we can get from the lemon peel. It can be purchased ready-made or it can be made by cutting the shells into several parts. In this way, just place the product at strategic points to have good results.

home air freshener

Lemon Peel Air Freshener

The strong aroma of this citrus can be very useful in the preparation of an ecological home air freshener. Although it works by itself, today we want to propose a mixture with other ingredients to obtain a more complete and effective product.


  • 500 ml of water
  • 2 whole lemons, unpeeled
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (5 g)
  • 3 fresh rosemary sprigs

What to do?

  • First, put half a liter of water to boil along with the two lemons, vanilla and fresh rosemary.
  • When ready, let it sit for later use.
  • Store it in the fridge and then re-boil it to release its aromas.

Did you know all the uses we can put the lemon peel? Now that you know the shell is very useful,  consider using this feature more rather than wasting it.

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