Daily Stress Can Cause Depression

Daily stress can cause depression. Therefore, learning to relax and build a healthy lifestyle is highly recommended. It is also important to be aware of symptoms, as they often go unnoticed.
Daily stress can cause depression

Stress and depression seem to be two mutually exclusive conditions. While the first is associated with nervousness, the second is related to passivity. However, daily stress can cause depression, just as depression can cause stress.

Why daily stress can cause depression? In general terms, it can be said that both conditions represent an inadequate response to problems, challenges and setbacks. This causes agitation and worry, as well as frustration and reluctance at the same time.

Both problems are very characteristic of the last century and are due to the lifestyles imposed by society. Excessive stimuli, hectic pace of activities, increased emotional isolation. The important thing is to know that stress can cause depression and to take steps to avoid it.

daily stress

Stress, by itself, is not a problem as long as it is kept at moderate levels. This emotional response allows the person to be more alert and defend themselves better in situations that involve challenges or risks. If this happens continuously or at very high levels, it becomes a problem.

When stress is activated, the body responds with an increase in cortisol production. Likewise, it also increases levels of another hormone, which is also a neurotransmitter, called adrenaline . A side effect of this is that the body reacts faster and more forcefully.

Stress can become a frequent sensation when a person learns to classify certain stimuli that are not dangerous as dangerous. For example, being late for work, finishing a task, or even leaving home. In this way, stress becomes continuous and the body is constantly overloaded.

woman stressed at work
Work is a source of intense stress for many people.

Daily stress can cause depression

Daily stress can cause depression because maintaining a state of alertness for prolonged periods alters normal physiological functions. Mood effects are triggered and depressive states appear.

Both disorders are usually related to each other and, in fact, are very similar in many of their symptoms. It must be made clear that not all depression is caused by stress, but stress increases the risk of developing depression.

Stress wears out and overwhelms, which can lead to difficulties such as decreased productivity, poor performance at work, problems in interpersonal relationships and eating or sleeping disorders.

The routine starts to look challenging or very frustrating. All of this, taken together, leads to a feeling of personal inadequacy, accompanied by sadness and lack of motivation. At this point, we have entered the terrain of depression, which can have different levels of severity.

How to detect the problem?

occupational stress
Being aware of the first signs of stress and depression allows you to act appropriately and preventively.

As daily stress can cause depression, just as depression is a stressor, the most important thing is to be aware of the first manifestations in order to take the appropriate measures in time.

There are several telltale symptoms, such as the following:

  • Constant tension: It is a feeling that reality is overwhelming and overwhelming, like being in a constant struggle.
  • Irritability: there is frequent anger and little things lead to constant loss of control.
  • Crying for no reason: they are desires to cry without a specific reason for it.
  • Little enthusiasm for life: disinterest and apathy for life itself predominates. Projects do not arouse enthusiasm and the person has the feeling of living through inertia.
  • Isolation and selfdepreciation: contact with other people is avoided, especially if it is someone very close or intimate. Presence of severe self-criticism.
  • Cognitive problems: decreased attention, concentration, speed and mental acuity.
  • Indecision: strong doubts arise about almost everything and there is great difficulty in making decisions.

Stress and depression affect the physical

When there is stress and depression, there are also physical signs that give them away. The highlight comes down to a feeling of permanent tiredness, which doesn’t dissipate even after sleeping. In fact, sleep problems such as insomnia or interrupted sleep are very common.

Eating problems are another revealing point, whether because the person eats too little or too much. Both stress and depression are risk factors for developing addictions. Furthermore, it is also not uncommon for a person with this condition to neglect their appearance.

So if you think your life is heading toward persistent stress or depression that causes symptoms on a daily basis, make an appointment with a health care provider. Perhaps, with minor lifestyle changes and professional advice, you can reverse the process.

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