Color Psychology: Colors Influence Our Feelings

Although the effects of colors are innate, each person has one or several favorites, and we shouldn’t stop using them in our daily lives to provide us with well-being.

Did you know that colors influence our feelings in different ways? Therefore, it is always appropriate to know a little more about how color psychology works so that we can create work environments and private scenarios to live and work better.

We also know that everyone has their favorite color. We don’t really know why, but there are certain  tones that we harmonize better with and that, in turn, define us.

Today, here in our space, we want to briefly bring you an article about a work carried out by psychologist and sociologist Eva Heller in her book entitled “ The psychology of colors ”.

This book is a reference in this very interesting field, where the intimate relationship between colors and the feelings they cause is discussed.

Therefore, we invite you to discover these data with which you may better understand certain aspects of your personality.

the psychology of colors

It may be difficult for some people to believe that colors can be characteristic of personality patterns or change our moods.

Therefore, psychologist Eva Heller, from the Free University of Berlin, carried out an in-depth study where she analyzed the responses and behaviors of 2000 people in relation to certain colors and the feelings they provoked.

Thanks to this, it was possible to demonstrate that certain associations do not appear randomly, but are, instead, universal experiences that have a lot to do with our ancestors, our childhood, our language and our thinking.

With this, it would almost be possible to say that  the effects of color are innate. 

For example: no one would work or relax in a room with the walls painted black and red. Now, if they were painted green, white or blue, the effect would be much more positive.

Colors influence our feelings

Learn more about the psychology of each color below.

the blue color

From research carried out by Dr. Heller over several years, it is clear that the favorite color of people in general is blue, followed by green.

Believe it or not, there are up to 111 shades of blue. The general characteristics that the color blue conveys are as follows:

  • It is the color of sympathy, harmony and spiritual and divine virtues.
  • It offers us a certain feeling of distance, but also of a dream.
  • It also symbolizes intelligence and has both a male and female component.

The green color

  • It is, without a doubt, one of the most beloved colors and also one of the most interesting. The green color is related to hope, fertility, life and health. It is therefore a high power color.
  • Furthermore, it is related to the more youthful stages of life, because it has a very energizing tone where freedom and the most intense strength flow.
Colors Influence Our Feelings: Color Psychology

The color red

No doubt you have a rough idea of ​​what red symbolizes to the general population. Indeed, it  is the color of passion, but also of hate.

  • There are 105 shades of the color red and since ancient times it has been closely related to the higher classes. Therefore, it is always associated with wealth.
  • It is a dynamic color that invites us to more intense activities.
  • As a curious fact, it is interesting to know that, according to Dr. Heller’s research, this is one of the colors that animals least like.

the yellow color

Analyzes carried out over several years indicate that we are facing one of the most contradictory colors.

  • People see it as a fun color, but they also relate it to betrayal.
  • It also symbolizes maturity and the most sensual love.
  • It is also said that it is a very optimistic color that invites people to work, read, write and create in general.

the violet color

This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting colors. It is related to magic and feminism. It is a color of power that represents, at the same time, solidarity and respect.

Color Psychology

the orange color

Although this tone is closely related to Buddhist culture, experts in color psychology point out that it is a bit underrated.

Orange is ideal for scenarios in which it is necessary to  promote contact and social understanding. Also, it attracts light and is fun, lovable, energetic.

the pink color

We can more or less imagine what this color is usually related to: delicate things, charm, courtesy and erotic tenderness.

It should be noted that pink is a very suitable color for the home, as it is relaxing, exudes enthusiasm and creativity. In addition, combined with other colors, it offers us, without a doubt, a high originality.

the white color

It is the color of the good, the spirit, the beginning, the pure and the innocent.

the black color

  • Black is the favorite color of stylists.  Therefore, when it comes to dressing, it is, without a doubt, the color we use to show a touch of elegance.
  • Despite the fact that today there are still doubts about whether we should consider it a color (since there is no light present), our instinct still sees it as a markedly negative component.
  • Beyond fashion, the color black is related to the end, death and brutality.

As you can see, this theme is, without a doubt, very interesting.

Although we all have a “favorite color”, the most common is that we have between two or three favorites. Be sure to use them if they offer well-being to your daily life.

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