Broken Souls: The Reality Of Psychologically Abused People

Broken souls can adopt two very different roles, but the important thing is that we know how to recognize them to help them heal and overcome this hell that accompanies them.
Broken souls: the reality of psychologically abused people

Broken souls were broken due to past events. Abuses by her parents, lack of affection and a remarkable indifference.

As the years passed, the “mature” relationships began to make themselves present. However, nothing is utopian as we often read in books and see in romantic movies.

It all started in childhood and continued throughout the maturation period. The big question is: can broken souls recover?

Do you still want to be mistreated?

battered woman

When abuse is part of a relationship, there is someone who abuses and there is a victim. Many people who want this relationship have tried to make their reason present, to open their eyes, however, it is not possible.

Due to the lack and abuse suffered in their childhood, the person naturalized certain aggressive behaviors. An insult, a slap, a bad word, a humiliating attitude…

Broken souls are not living anything new, even if it is something different and with other strategies to submit to certain things.

When they begin to be aware that things are not going well, fear appears…

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They start to rebel and receive more notable blows that they try to hide or make excuses for falling, trying not to care.

They are being aware that what they once considered “normal” is out of their control. Now they don’t want to continue living like this, but they don’t know how to get out of this situation.

man hiding from abuse

They feel confused, fearful and powerless. Without realizing it, they fed the beast for a long period of time and now they don’t know how to escape it.

The two sides of the same coin

Although it may seem hard to believe, both the person causing the abuse and the victim are two sides of the same coin.

Both suffered in their childhood, although their way of expressing it is very different.

  • The desire to have power over the other: who mistreats exerts that power that was taken from him in his childhood. You don’t want to be harmed, you don’t want to feel weak.

On the other hand, it hurts those who love it most, especially the most vulnerable person.

  • The need to please: the victim, on the other hand, seeks to please the other person in order to be accepted and toast them with kind words. You feel that you must do everything right and not fail.

If not, consider it logical and acceptable to receive a reprimand for it.

The big problem is that every victim becomes a broken soul. Someone who’s been torn apart from the inside, used, who’s been hurt in the most cruel way, being threatened and, in some cases, being killed.

portrait of abused woman

The victim does not have the resources to defend himself, as he has never learned to do so. He learned very well to hide his feelings and suffer inside.

from which one can come out with the necessary patience, hope and firmness.

The reconstruction of broken souls

We cannot deny that many broken souls cannot be rebuilt. Everything that happens to us when we are small affects us in a major way in later periods of our lives.

However, if you have the right people and manage to draw strength from where you didn’t even know existed to question everything they taught you, all that inculcated fear…. You will have hope.

Getting out of a relationship so destructive and painful that it has dug a huge hole, deeper than you think in your heart and soul.

However, you managed to get out of it and now is the time to start a new path. Surrounding yourself with people who care for you will be an important foundation, as well as seeking professional help to guide you in a concrete and correct way.

Step by step, calmly and unhurriedly, the broken souls pick up those little pieces that others have broken, but which can always be reunited.

woman free from abuse

It is true that cracks and deep marks of what was lived remained, because no one forgets and everything that was experienced makes us what we are today.

However, the positive is to improve, to take this as an experience and move forward with all these scars that we have, but that we knew how to heal in the right way.

Broken souls can rebuild and move on. Don’t make the same mistakes again, change the perception of what you once believed was correct and incorrect.

There is a before and a during in every abuse relationship. Don’t forget that there is also an after and this is an opportunity to change everything.

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