Breakfast Of Oats And Chia Seeds To Flatter The Tummy

In addition to being richer in vitamins and minerals than other seeds, chia also contains fiber, which, together with the amounts offered by oats, helps to regulate intestinal transit.
Breakfast of oats and chia seeds to flatter your stomach

Combining oats and chia seeds can be an amazing option for those who want to flatten their stomachs.

In the search for getting or keeping a flat stomach, all women make several efforts since, unfortunately, it is precisely in this area of ​​the body that fat and other body waste accumulate more easily, and the body cannot eliminate them from properly.

Generally, it is recommended to adopt a healthy eating plan and exercise routine that includes specific movements for the abdomen.

However, to complement the results of these two habits, it is also good to start ingesting some ingredients with slimming properties more regularly.

The combination of oats and chia seeds is becoming very popular around the world as a great option to replace breakfast. Both have essential nutrients that encourage weight loss, especially in the abdomen region.

As many are looking for a food supplement to slim down and flatten their stomachs with less difficulty, today we will share this delicious recipe. This way you will be able to notice the difference from the first meal of the day. Write it down and try it!

Breakfast of oat and chia seeds

Oat and chia seeds

This recipe contains everything the body needs to start the day with good energy: it is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber, necessary to activate the metabolism and increase the feeling of satiety during the rest of the day.

Due to the ease of preparing it, it is a perfect alternative for those who do not have much time to prepare other types of breakfast; it will only take about 15 minutes a day, and the best part is that the ingredients are not as expensive as other foods.

As a result, we can get a perfect breakfast. Great to include in a low-calorie weight-loss diet as  oats and chia seeds are low in calories and rich in health-enhancing benefits.


  • 500 ml of water
  • 1 cup of oats (105 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder
  • 2 spoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of chia seeds (40 g)

How to prepare

  • First, in a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil, along with the cinnamon and vanilla.
  • When it boils, reduce the heat to minimum, add the oats and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • After this time, remove from heat, cover the pan and let it rest for another 5 minutes.
  • Then add honey, salt and mix well to integrate all ingredients.
  • Serve the mixture in a bowl and sprinkle the chia seeds over the top.
  • Optionally, you can add dried fruits, strawberries, blackberries, bananas, among others.
  • It is not advisable to add milk as this ingredient can cause stomach inflammation.

What are the benefits of oats and chia seeds for a flat stomach?

We know that to get a straight belly you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, this simple breakfast recipe can work as a great support given the properties of its two main ingredients.

Benefits of Oats

Oat Benefits
  • Contains beta-glucans, soluble fiber and polyphenols known for their antioxidant action that stimulates the body’s natural cleansing.
  • Oats provide a supply of fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, it also reduces appetite a little to avoid excessive calorie intake.
  • It is good for regulating bowel movement and facilitating the evacuation process, while preventing constipation.
  • It helps to improve physical and mental performance by providing a significant amount of essential fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of chia seeds

chia benefits

Regular consumption of seeds and chia can help us lose weight, as it is a food with an incredible satiating power and a source of nutrients that stimulate the proper functioning of the body.

Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Also double the amount of proteins from other seeds, fibers, minerals and antioxidant compounds that protect the body from various diseases.

Thanks to their nutritional value, incorporating them into the diet can be helpful in achieving a straighter abdomen, as:

  • Improves physical performance to improve exercise.
  • It helps control blood sugar levels and suppresses the need to top it off.
  • Stimulates body clearance and prevents constipation.

Then the next step is to enjoy! There are many benefits to be gained from regularly including this breakfast in our diet.

In short, although the main intention is to get a flat stomach, consuming it will also improve digestive and cardiovascular health.

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