Back To Ideal Weight: How To Get It?

The practice of healthy habits, such as exercise and a balanced diet are the best way to return to your ideal weight. This time, we give you some recommendations to not fail in the attempt. 
Back to ideal weight: how to get it?

To get back to your ideal weight you don’t need to undergo diets that risk your health. In fact, choosing these types of options has counterproductive effects and few results. Although they seem like a quick way to “burn fat”, in the medium and long term they are useless.

The problem with these power models is that they are too restrictive and cause the dreaded “accordion effect”. So for a long time they were discouraged and instead healthy habits were proposed to achieve a healthy and stable weight.

Thanks to this many have completely improved their lifestyle and have come to understand that looking good is only achieved with discipline and effort.

1. Avoid sugar consumption

Foods that contain large amounts of sugar have a lot to do with increasing body fat. As they produce metabolic disorders, they also increase the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

To get back to your ideal weight you should avoid consuming sugar


  • Replace refined sugar with healthy sweeteners such as honey or stevia.
  • Read the labels on the foods you buy at the supermarket and make sure they are low in sugar and saturated fat.
  • Soothe candy anxiety with “light” desserts or walnuts.

2. Eat a good breakfast

If you don’t eat a good breakfast every day, it’s very difficult to get back to your ideal weight. Although it was thought that avoiding this food was “saving calories”, today it is related to the risk of overweight, obesity, and poor physical and mental performance.


  • Make sure you prepare a complete and balanced breakfast, which corresponds to 25% of your total daily calories.
  • Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrate sources.
  • Don’t forget a small portion of healthy fats and proteins.

3. Increase water intake

There are many ways in which water helps improve your body shape and weight. As a large part of the body is made up of this liquid, it is essential for metabolism and a good detoxification process.


  • Drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day.
  • If you don’t want to drink just water, supplement your fluid intake with teas, natural juices, or water-rich fruits.
  • On hot days, or when practicing physical activities, increase your consumption.

4. Sleep well to get back to your ideal weight

One thing you shouldn’t forget when you want to get back to your ideal weight is rest. Although it seems that it has nothing to do, sleep is a determining factor in metabolic functions, and in all processes that influence weight loss.


  • Try to sleep uninterrupted for 7 or 8 hours a day.
  • Avoid distractions before bedtime so as not to shorten the rest period.
  • Eat a light dinner so you don’t have digestive discomfort when you go to bed.

5. Avoid carb-free diets

Reducing carbohydrate intake has interesting effects in controlling excess weight. However, it is not convenient to completely eliminate them from the diet. These macronutrients are an important source of energy that should be incorporated into any eating plan.

To get back to your ideal weight you should avoid refined carbohydrates


  • Instead of choosing simple carbohydrates (bread, cakes, flour, etc…) choose complex carbohydrate sources (oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa etc.,,)
  • Try to consume them only for breakfast and lunch.

6. Divide the food portions

Abundant dishes are not a good option for a healthy and slimming diet. Although at the moment they produce satisfaction, they overload digestion and slow down metabolism. The best option is to split the portions, for five or six meals a day.


  • Eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours.
  • Choose to have 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

7. Reduce salt

Salt is one of your enemies when you are trying to get back to your ideal weight. Although this spice is widely used in the kitchen, its excessive consumption has negative effects on health and fitness. Too much salt causes high blood pressure, inflammation, and fluid retention.


  • Avoid adding salt to your meals, and use spices and herbs to improve flavor.
  • Check the labels on your favorite products and avoid those that contain a lot of sodium.

8. Do physical exercise

Regular exercise is the best complement to the diet. This type of activity sets the metabolism in motion and optimizes energy burn. Therefore, following a training routine or playing a sport is very beneficial.

To get back to your ideal weight you should exercise


  • Do cardiovascular exercise for at least 20 minutes, 5 days a week.
  • Combine cardiovascular training with anaerobic or strength exercises.

9. Follow the Mediterranean Diet Model

The Mediterranean diet is one of many healthy eating plans that can help you get back to your ideal weight. It’s based on the right mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and good fats, which improve both weight and heart health.


  • Increase your consumption of nuts, avocados, and extra virgin olive oil.
  • Opt for lean meats like turkey or chicken breast.
  • Choose whole grains, whole grains and vegetables over refined ones.

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