Arthritis Home Remedies

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. There are several different types of arthritis that can primarily affect people who are between 40 and 50 years old.
Home Remedies for Arthritis

Some of the common symptoms are joint pain, swelling, limited movement of the affected body parts, redness of the skin around the joint, stiffness and inflammation.

In addition, there are some simple, easy, natural home remedies that help treat the many symptoms associated with arthritis. Find out with us what they are!

Borage is one of the home remedies for arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties present in borage seed oil provide relief from the various symptoms of arthritis. You can gently massage the affected area of ​​the skin with this oil. When massaged regularly, the oil heals sensitive and swollen joints.

You can also take a teaspoon of the medicine a day to relieve pain. However, it is recommended not to ingest the borage seeds or other parts of the plant directly. The oil is safe and will not cause any side effects.


Eating cherries regularly (8 to 10 a day) can also help combat the pain caused by arthritis, as the fruit is a good source of magnesium and potassium. While magnesium is a natural pain reliever, potassium helps reduce inflammation. Canned, frozen or fresh cherries, syrups or jelly can be used.

eucalyptus oil

Another way to relieve pain. It is advisable to heat a small amount of oil and apply it gently to the painful joints, then cover with a plastic film and apply more heat with the help of damp towels. It is recommended to use this medication at night, before going to bed.


Another common spice that can help with treatment. This condiment has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly help arthritis sufferers. Ginger oil, when applied to the affected area of ​​the skin on a regular basis, can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness. Even eating raw ginger regularly is also effective as it improves blood circulation.


Another one on the list of pain-relieving spices. In this case it is advisable to mix the cinnamon with half a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

Repeating the procedure every day for several days the result is certain. Another thing you can do is make a paste of honey and cinnamon and apply it to the painful area, massaging it.

Fish oil

The omega-3 present in fish oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and thus also intervenes in pain caused by inflammation.

Just consume one or two teaspoons of this oil a day to get relief from the many symptoms of arthritis. When taking fish oil supplements in the morning on an empty stomach, the morning stiffness associated with arthritis is reduced.

Along with supplements, it is also advisable to eat more fish and other natural products rich in omega-3s.

Liquid Home Remedy for Arthritis

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