8 Health Benefits Of Asparagus

In addition to being delicious and versatile, the benefits of asparagus are varied. Do you know what they are? The best time to consume them is during spring.
8 Health Benefits of Asparagus

In addition to being delicious and versatile, the benefits of asparagus are varied. Do you know what they are? The best time to consume them is during spring. In these months, we can see them on the market in their two varieties (white and green).

We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them in this article.

Asparagus characteristics

It is the main stem of a plant called  Aspargus Officinalis,  which can measure up to a meter and a half in height. It belongs to the family of leeks, onions and spring onions,  although they do not resemble each other in shape and flavor.

Nowadays, this vegetable is cultivated in temperate regions and its main producers are Italy, Germany and France. Although greenhouses and cold rooms allow us to have vegetables all year round, the best time to eat asparagus is spring. In other months, you can enjoy them in the form of preserves, for example.

A little of history

Green asparagus is native to the Mediterranean Sea region. More precisely near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In Ancient Egypt and Greece it was used as food and as an offering to the gods. It was the Romans who popularized this vegetable due to its medicinal properties and took it throughout Europe.

With the decline of the Roman Empire, the consumption of this vegetable reduced remarkably. However, in the 12th century it  regained fame for its gastronomic qualities. In the 17th century, asparagus became one of the foods most consumed by the bourgeois and the upper classes of society.

Until the 19th century, the only type of asparagus that was known was the green one. However, thanks to a change in the way of cultivation (underground) the white variety emerged. The difference is related to how much contact with the sun the plant has (green is due to chlorophyll).

What are the benefits of asparagus?

According to this article by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, asparagus has many vitamins, especially green ones. This sprout used since ancient times is recommended for its different benefits. Learn more below:

1. It’s a diuretic

juice with asparagus

Being composed mostly of water, it  facilitates the elimination of liquids.

  • It is recommended for people with retention, edema or kidney problems, according to this study carried out by the University of Faisalabad, as well as for people with hypertension, according to this study carried out by the University of Hokaido.
  • In addition, it offers asparagine, which induces urine production.
  • It has no natural sodium and therefore  does not increase the swelling typical during premenstrual syndrome.

2. It is laxative

Another of the benefits of asparagus for our health is related to  its ability to regulate intestinal transit due to the fiber  present in its composition. This is what this study by the National University of Pusan ​​(Korea) says.

  • Prevents, treats or prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, colonic diverticula and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Fiber, in turn, has other properties such as, for example, contributing to the reduction of cholesterol and favoring the breakdown of sugars in the blood. This study by Hospital La Fuenfría highlights these properties.

3. It is antioxidant

Benefits of asparagus

A dish that includes asparagus can be much more effective than any beauty treatment. This is due to the fact that this green or white vegetable offers many antioxidants that have the ability to neutralize the effects of free radicals, as stated in this study conducted by the University of Concepción.

  • These attack cells and cause aging.
  • In turn, it has beta-carotene, which benefits the health of the skin, according to this study carried out by the Technological Institute of Veracruz (Mexico).

4. Favors cognitive function

Among the benefits of asparagus, it is worth mentioning that they have a good dose of folic acid. This nutrient is responsible not only for improving the health of pregnant women and helping the fetus in its development, but also has beneficial effects on the brain, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Chile.

  • This vegetable, therefore, reduces the risk of suffering cognitive deterioration, but it also serves to reconcile sleep, combat insomnia and treat depression. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this.

5. It’s very nutritious

salmon with asparagus

Within the nutritional composition of asparagus we can highlight that it has vitamins A, C, E and K. It also contains chromium, trace elements, fiber and folic acid.

  • Consuming it periodically provides the body with many essential nutrients for its functioning.

6. It is recommended for bones

People over the age of 50 (especially women who are in the menopause stage) and children under the age of 5 should consume more asparagus than others.

  • Why? Because  thanks to the vitamin K it offers, your bones will be stronger and healthier  and fractures will be avoided, according to information obtained from the US National Library of Medicine.
  • Whether due to osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, the bone system in old age weakens.
  • In the case of little ones, it can be used to grow and develop  normally.
  • Thanks to this vegetable, the osteocalcin protein (located in bone tissue) will be able to do its job correctly.

7. Is it slimming?

Benefits of asparagus

If we are dieting to lose weight, we must include asparagus in our eating plan.

  • One cup (200 g) of this vegetable has very few calories.
  • In addition, it has fibers that prevent constipation and favor the elimination of toxins.
  • And, as if all that wasn’t enough, it slakes the appetite. Therefore, it prevents us from consuming food out of anxiety, depression or annoyance.

8. It is antiviral

Finally, another of the benefits of asparagus is related to its content of nutrients that favor the immune system, according to this research carried out by Hislop School of Biotechnology (India). Therefore, they are ideal to prevent colds, flu or any viral or bacterial disease.

The benefits of asparagus are many. So don’t forget to include it in your dishes and make the most of it while enjoying its flavor.


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