8 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy, Balanced Diet

A very healthy way to improve your diet without withdrawing food is to include herbs and spices in place of salt. In addition to gaining health, you will discover a world of new flavors.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a task that can become complicated for some people.

The problem is that  we are being sold so many false ideas about the ideal diet that many continue to make mistakes without realizing it.

For example, there are those who think they follow the best diet just because they base it on foods labeled “light” or “zero fat”.

Just as there are those who eliminate food groups or, worse yet, skip some of the main meals with the idea of ​​losing calories.

In fact, it has been proven that  a healthy diet is one that contains all the nutrients,  in their proper measure and with the necessary calories for each of the body’s functions.

That’s why we’ve compiled 8 interesting recommendations that will help you put it into practice. Discover them!

Days to be able to maintain a healthy diet

1. Eat with variety, but not too much

fish with vegetables

One of the secrets to enjoying a healthy and complete diet  is to enjoy variety, but measuring the portions.

So, it’s not about always eating the same thing, but knowing how to take advantage of different nutritional sources to make delicious and different dishes.

Also, rather than serving large quantities in one main meal, it  ‘s better to divide them into 5 or 6 meals a day. 

2. Don’t cut the fats

The mistake that people who want to improve their diet make the most is to suppress all food sources that contain fat.

Even though it is true that these are the foods that have the most calories,  it is not correct to stop eating them altogether.

Some types of fat are needed by the body and, in fact,  contribute to the elimination of harmful lipids that affect health.

This is the case of omega 3 fatty acids, contained in foods such as:

  • olive oil
  • the avocado
  • the oilseeds
  • the seeds
  • linseed oil
  • the blue fish

3. Reduce consumption of animal protein sources

Protein sources

The daily intake of protein is essential for the nervous system to function properly and maintain muscle mass.

Even though animal sources are easier to acquire, it is  recommended to reduce their consumption and opt for vegetable protein sources.

This happens because animals contain more fat and can lead to the development of intestinal problems, due to their difficulty in digestion.

On the other hand, those of vegetable origin bring fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients that even contribute to repopulate the bacterial flora of the intestine.

4. Limit your consumption of sweets and sugars

Sweets and all sources of refined sugars are the number one enemies of health and weight.

They figure as  one of the main causes of metabolic disorders,  and as if that were not enough, their relationship with several types of cancers has been proven.

The most worrying thing is that they are highly addictive and the more you eat them, the greater the need to eat them again.

5. Reduce salt intake

Reduce salt intake

Excessive salt consumption is also related to health problems such as fluid retention, inflammatory disorders and hypertension.

In recent years, an alert has been made to reduce its consumption; mainly because  most people consume up to 5 times more than the proper amount.

A simple way to replace it is to opt for other healthy spices such as herbs, vinegar and turmeric.

6. Drink more water

Whatever the diet plan recommended by the nutritionist, it should contain a daily intake of at least 2 liters of water. 

This liquid is essential to hydrate the body and activate the functioning of its main systems.

Furthermore, it  helps to minimize the negative effects of free radicals  and influences the condition of the skin.

7. Choose organic food

Organic food in a healthy diet

Organic foods have 100% of their nutritional properties; however,  they were not submitted to refinement processes nor had contact with pesticides.

Even though they are sometimes a little more expensive than industrialized ones; it’s worth investing to get all its benefits.

8. Consume raw fruits and vegetables

Raw fruits and vegetables concentrate all of their nutrients and  are much more beneficial to the body.

Its consumption not only helps to lose weight, improves digestion, but also promotes the body’s detoxification processes.

Are you ready to improve your eating habits? In short, follow each of the above tips and find out how it is possible to  follow a healthy diet without submitting to strict plans. 

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