Fruits And Herbs To Relieve Digestive Problems

Many digestive problems can be treated naturally by consuming certain fruits and herbal teas. If we incorporate them into our diet, we can prevent many of these problems.
Fruits and Herbs to Relieve Digestive Problems

People who suffer from gas formation, stomach pain, indigestion or cramps often turn to traditional medicine to relieve digestive problems.

However, there are fruits and herbs that provide excellent results when used for this purpose.

For example, tea, in addition to refreshing the body after a hard day at work, also serves to accompany the day’s meals and relieve digestive discomfort.

People who drink herbal infusions regularly report a number of health benefits, including benefits related to the digestive system.

The most common causes of indigestion are overeating, eating too fast, consuming foods high in fat, excess caffeine and alcohol, nervousness, and even emotional trauma.

Here are some of the best known thefts and herbs for alleviating digestive problems.

Herbs and Fruits to Relieve Digestive Problems

Enjoy these fruits and herbs and the benefits they provide to the digestive system and the rest of the body.

1. Plum

Plum to relieve digestive problems

The key to alleviating digestive problems often involves increasing your intake of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.

Prunes are an ideal natural remedy for constipation as they combine a large amount of soluble fiber (7.6 grams per cup) with sorbitol, a type of natural sugar that helps increase the amount of water in the intestine.

2. Papaya

Papaya contains large amounts of the digestive enzyme papain. This enzyme helps the body to break down proteins and therefore speed up digestion.

A medium-sized papaya also provides nearly 20% of the recommended daily amount of fiber, which makes for better bowel function.

3. Linseed

Flaxseed has traditionally been used to treat digestion problems as it contains high levels of insoluble fiber. A scoop provides 3 g of fiber associated with a large amount of mucilage.

Both elements can improve the structure of the stool and make your exits smoother.

Flaxseed flour is used to make breads and sweets, and its oil can be used as a supplement and is therefore very versatile.

4. Anise

Anise for digestion

The benefits of aniseed for the treatment of stomach cramps and gas are remarkable for those who have already suffered from it.

5. Ginger

Ginger has numerous medicinal properties, most notably the ability to treat problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

This plant also has soothing anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve abdominal pain.

In addition, ginger has antispasmodic and anti-nausea properties due to its action against histamine. This makes it one of the best remedies for digestive problems in general.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary Tea to Cure Digestive Problems

Rosemary has properties to treat constipation in an aromatherapy context.

According to recent studies, the use of rosemary essential oils in abdominal massage favors digestion up to two weeks after the treatment.

7. Oregano

Oregano is an excellent source of fiber. Two scoops correspond to 4% of the recommended daily consumption.

Consuming oregano regularly helps to smooth digestion by stimulating the release of stomach bile.

This antispasmodic action favors the reduction of gas, bloating, indigestion and abdominal pain that can be the result of digestive problems.

8. Chamomile

Chamomile tea to improve digestion

Chamomile root has been identified as having laxative properties that favor digestion. In addition, this herb and its flowers can be used to prepare a delicious tea to relieve digestive discomfort.

Hot drinks are known to be especially helpful in alleviating digestion problems.

In addition to consuming fruits and herbs, it is advisable to exercise regularly to treat and prevent digestive discomfort.

People who undergo significant changes in their lifestyle, such as pregnancy and old age, are more susceptible to digestive complications.

Although medicinal laxatives are available to facilitate digestion, it is advisable that they be considered after trying to resolve the problem with natural herbal therapies.

However, before resorting to natural therapies to alleviate digestive problems, it is necessary to make sure that the chosen herb will not have side effects or interference with other medications.

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