6 Vitamins And Foods That Can Prevent The Early Appearance Of White Hair

Even if we didn’t realize it, our diet plays a key role in delaying the appearance of gray hairs, since vitamins promote good hair condition.

First of all, it is important to say that precocious white hairs are white or gray hairs that were left that color due to the loss of melanin. 

So, there are 4 types of white wires:

  • Physiological or for old age. Over time, the body’s melanin gradually reduces;
  • Early, in people under 30 years of age;
  • Poliosis. Occurs in localized areas of hair, such as specific highlights in the eyebrows or eyelashes, for example;
  • Annulars. Are the loose white strands scattered over the head.

Is the appearance of premature white hair being a problem for you? Do you want to avoid them or stop them? Then increase your consumption of the following nutrients and foods.

1.Vitamin B5

Broccoli can prevent the appearance of premature white hair

Vitamin B5 is also called pantothenic acid. According to research, this nutrient is essential for:

  • Form antibodies that improve the body’s defenses;
  • Helping to heal wounds;
  • Prevent the early appearance of white hairs;
  • Fight fatigue;
  • Favor the good condition of the skin, mucous membranes and hair.

But pay attention! It is important to consume this nutrient in doses less than 6 mg during pregnancy and 7 mg while breastfeeding.

Also, hemophilia sufferers should limit their intake, as this vitamin affects clotting.

Therefore, you can find this nutrient in foods such as:

  • Liver;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Broccoli;
  • Fish;
  • Molluscs;
  • Chicken;
  • Avocado;
  • Milk.

2.Vitamin B1

Also called thiamine, vitamin B1 is essential for producing energy through carbohydrates.

In addition to participating in the metabolism of fats and preventing the appearance of premature white hairs, it  contributes to the functioning of the nervous system and, thus, increases mental agility.

Furthermore, consuming enough vitamin B1 prevents serious complications caused by type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, kidney and eye problems.

Namely, to get this vitamin, consume:

  • Sunflower seeds;
  • whole grains;
  • Asparagus;
  • Raisins;
  • Corn;
  • Nuts;
  • Legumes.

3.Vitamin B12

Foods with vitamin B2 can prevent the appearance of premature white hair

Belonging to the B-complex group of vitamins, vitamin B12 plays an important role in metabolism, as it converts food into fuel for energy.

Thus, the ideal would be to consume at least 4mg of vitamin B12 per day.

With regard to the appearance of premature white strands, this vitamin helps to promote the re-pigmentation of hair  and, in addition, helps to maintain the original color.

The foods that contain it are:

  • Beef;
  • Fish;
  • Chicken;
  • Lamb meat;
  • Carrot;
  • Broccoli;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Molluscs.

4. Liver

The liver is one of the foods that helps to break down hydrogen peroxide, which is responsible for the formation of white hairs.

It is also a food rich in catalase, which combats the effects of hydrogen peroxide and thus helps maintain the natural hair color for longer.

However, it is important not to consume liver more than four times a month, as it contains a large amount of trans fats and cholesterol that can be harmful to your health.

Therefore, when preparing the liver, look for:

  • Limit the amount of fat as much as you can;
  • Accompany it with a lot of fresh vegetables.

5. Teas

Teas, in any of their versions, contain high amounts of silicon.

This mineral has the ability to  strengthen the hair composition and enhance its natural color.

In addition, silicon helps to stimulate cell metabolism, which slows down aging.

In summary, all this prevents the early appearance of white hairs.

6. Avocado

Avocado is an excellent ally against white threads, as it is a rich copper food. This mineral is essential for the production of melanin and catalase.

Thus, these two nutrients help to break down the hydrogen peroxide that accumulates in the hair follicles and favors the appearance of white hairs.

Habits that can help delay and prevent the appearance of white hair

Practicing Meditation Can Help Prevent Premature White Hairs

In addition to including the foods we mentioned earlier in your daily life, it is important to change the following habits:

First, avoid stress.

Living a light pace of life will help to  preserve youth and thus prevent the premature appearance of white hair.

That’s why a good exercise routine is one of the best ways to relax, especially disciplines like taichi or yoga.

So try to include a thirty-minute exercise routine at least 3 times a week.

Stop smoking

Smoking not only accelerates the onset of cancer, but is also a determining factor in aesthetic problems, such as:

  • The early appearance of wrinkles;
  • Baldness;
  • The white threads.

Beware of high temperatures

Even if you use products to protect the wires, the heat can be harmful.

Therefore, those who constantly use a hair dryer, flat iron or beauty treatments that put their hair in contact with heat must be very careful.

Thus, the ideal would be to  use these elements at most two or three times a week. 

Protect your hair from UV rays

First of all, constant exposure to the sun causes many types of skin cancer and other problems.

However, that is not all. Ultraviolet (UV) rays  can damage the scalp to generate the appearance of precocious white hairs, for example.

It would be recommended to seek a shampoo that protects your hair from UV rays, as well as wearing a hat and avoiding spending several hours in the sun.

When consuming any of these nutrients, try to consume them together, as group B vitamins work together.

The premature appearance of gray hairs can be prevented with a diet rich in nutrients combined with natural hair treatments.

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